It may have been for my 10th birthday (December 9, 1943), that somebody gave me a "Five Year Diary." I began writing daily entries in it on January 1, 1944. The book itself was quite small (about 5 ½ x 4 ¼ inches) but each page - one for each day of the year -- was divided into 5 sections, one for each of those intended 5 years. This allowed me only 4 lines per day.
I used this diary for two years (writing sometimes in pencil, sometimes in ink, sometimes adding additional notes at the back). Finally I felt so frustrated by the cramped 5-year configuration that in 1946 I changed to another book which allowed me the luxury of a whole page per day. And in later years my diaries have had no space limitation at all. These first two years, with their very brief entries, thus form a distinct unit. They are also, for various reasons, much harder to read than all the rest - which has made me feel that, even if I never get around to typing out the contents of most of the other volumes, at least these earliest years deserve the special treatment I have given them here.
Nobody ever gave me any guidance as to how to write in a diary, e.g. what was or was not worth recording. During these two years, I felt obliged to report every time I attended school, Hebrew School (which I usually went to after regular school) or Synagogue ("Shul" where I attended Sabbath services on Saturday mornings.) I at least soon started to use some abbreviations -- "S." for School "H.S." for Hebrew School, and "S.S." for Sunday School (which was a different kind of Hebrew school held at the same place on Sundays) I also made tediously regular use of stock expressions like "heard radio," "read comics," and "did homework," unfortunately rarely giving any details.
Nevertheless the entire text as I wrote it is given here, word for word, retaining much of the original spelling, making changes only for the sake of clarity. My editorial comments are within square brackets and in italics.
With my family (Victor Brilliant -- "Daddy," Amelia Brilliant -- "Mummy" -- and my 2-years-younger sister, Myrna) I had been living since 1941 in an apartment (#3, upstairs) at 517 Peabody Street, a 4-plex, in the Brightwood neighborhood of North-West Washington D.C. My father, a British government official on a wartime assignment in Washington, worked at "the office," somewhere downtown, commuting by bus. (Our family didn't have a car.) When the diary opens, I am in my last year (the 6th grade) at Whittier Elementary School, a few blocks from our home. My best friend Nathan Mensh, and his family, live in a house on Powhatan Place, just behind us, across an alley.
These were of course momentous years in world history. The Second World War (which had begun for Britain in September 1939, for the U.S. in December 1941) was, by 1944, for us children, just as much as for our parents, a basic fact of daily life. Many of the movies, radio programs, comics, and toys which occupied me were war-related. Starting with D-Day, I recorded what seemed to me major events of the conflict as they occurred. But the war also had a special significance for my family, because we expected that its end would mean our return to England, which my mother, sister and I had last seen in April 1939.
To me and to my father, England was our home country, and I looked forward to going back, (having no idea how comparatively hard life would be for us there.) My sister Myrna, however, had been only 3 when we left, and could hardly remember anything of it. And our mother was torn, always feeling that her own home was Toronto, Canada, which she hadn't left until she was in her twenties, when she married my father and settled in London. The war had brought her back to Toronto (where she, Myrna and I had lived for 2 years, 1939-41) and which was now still close enough to Washington to keep that connection a strong one.
You will already have gathered that we were a Jewish family, and, except at public school, most of the people we associated with were also Jewish. My parents had enrolled me in a Hebrew School soon after we came to Washington D.C. in 1941, and, although I never actually learned much Hebrew, I had become thoroughly indoctrinated in Judaism, feeling a strong obligation to attend classes and services, and to observe Jewish holidays.
Living in the nation's capitol had little special impact on me as a child. Although we occasionally went "downtown," by bus or by streetcar, my world consisted largely of our own neighborhood. In these two years, my school career took me from Elementary to Junior High (which seemed a very big transition.) But the most far-reaching personal event was an accident which caused the loss of my two front teeth, and much dentistry for years thereafter.
Of course I can't expect any of this skimpy juvenile record to mean as much to you as it does to me. And even to me, there is so much I've forgotten (and therefore can't supply any details about) that in many cases it might as well have been written by someone else. Still I hope that this vestige of one person's childhood may somehow be of interest, and possibly even of value, to others.
Saturday, January 1, 1944
Went to shul. [I went regularly to services at the synagogue every
Sabbath (Saturday), though my parents attended only on special
occasions.] Went for a walk. Found interesting things in Daddy's
atlas. [This was a large, black volume with gold edging. My father
and I were interested in the index of place-names at the back,
especially since we were able to find in the U.S. places with
such odd names as "Victor" and "Brilliant."]
Sunday, January 2, 1944
Went to Sunday School. [Sunday School, like Hebrew School, was
also held at the Agudas Achim Synagogue, which was in a converted
house at 909 Quackenbos Street. But on Sundays more children
came, and we had different classes and teachers.] Went to the
movies with Mummy, Daddy and Myrna. Saw "Sweet Rosie Ogrady."
[Going out to the movies was a very big part of life in those
days. There was of course no TV.]
Monday, January 3, 1944.
Went back to school for first day of new year. I didn't go to
Hebrew School because of the rain.
Tuesday, January 4, 1944.
Heard a Dick Mansfield safety chalk talk. [Dick Mansfield (1888-1971)
was a well-known Washington cartoonist. He was also on the police
force, from which he had just retired in 1943 after a heart attack.
These chalk-talks to school-children were a specialty of his.
Road safety was just as much a matter of concern then as it is
now. For some reason, when it came to safety tips, my own special
favorite was "Don't run out from between parked cars."]
Went shopping with Mummy and Myrna.
Wednesday, January 5, 1944.
Today was a rainy day. I had lunch at school. [Apparently I
usually or often came home for lunch.] I went to Hebrew School.
Thursday, January 6, 1944.
Went to school. I am learning to write very good. [I had at
first had much difficulty, both with cursive lettering, and with
use of pen and ink.] It didn't rain. Went to Hebrew School.
Friday, January 7, 1944
Went to Georgia Ave. to get a new notebook. [Georgia Avenue was
our nearest main shopping area. It had, among other stores,,
Woolworth's, Safeway, a delicatessen, one or more drugstores,
and a Sears Roebuck. It also had our nearest movie theater, the
Sheridan.] Had beef steak pie [a favorite of mine, and one of
my mother's specialties.] Heard radio. [Like the movies - and
like comic books - radio was a very big part of my life, particularly
the 15-minute children's after-school adventure series like "Tom
Mix," "Captain Midnight," and "Terry and the
Pirates," and the evening half-hour comedy and quiz shows,
like Jack Benny, "The Great Gildersleeve," and "Truth
Or Consequences."]
Saturday, January 8, 1944.
Went to shul. Played with Nathan. Had fun with Daddy.
Sunday, January 9, 1944.
Went to Sunday School. Played with Daddy and Myrna. Mummy left
us by ourselves.
Monday, January 10, 1944.
Went to school. Got earmuffs from Dody and Neddy in Ottawa.
[Ned Adler was my mother's youngest brother, married, since 1941,
to my aunt Dody (nee Doris Torontow).] Went to Hebrew School.
Tuesday, January 11, 1944.
Went to school and H.S. Went with Daddy to parents of boy who
beat me up. [I think this boy lived on the route I usually took
to the synagogue. I don't remember the details, but the original
incident probably included anti-semitic remarks.]
Wednesday, January 12, 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew School. Heard the radio. [Hebrew
School usually consisted of a class with the Rabbi, Herman Waldman.]
Thursday, January 13, 1944.
Went to school. Went to H.S. Played with my comics. [I had
quite a large collection of comic books, which I was able to take
to England when we went back in 1946. My parents eventually gave
most of them away, but somehow saved 34 of them, which I still
have.] Heard the radio.
Friday, January 14, 1944.
Went to school. Saw [a verbal] fight in Safeway's. Made streamer.
Saturday, January 15, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Cry Havoc" and went to "Fat
Boy" restaurant. [Presumably this was another family outing.
I often wrote "went to" without indicating with whom
I went. I remember the "Fat Boy" being known for "shoestring
potatoes."] Heard the Radio.
Sunday, January 16, 1944.
It snowed today. I went to Sunday School. I went to Aunty Irene's
by myself. [I think this was Irene Benenson, a family friend
from England (not an Aunt. Many family friends were known to me
as "Aunties" and "Uncles.") She had a daughter,
then only 3 years old, named Leslie who was already showing artistic
talent, and who apparently became a well-known British artist.]
Played in the snow. Heard radio.
Monday, January 17, 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew school. Heard the radio.
Tuesday, January 18, 1944.
Went to school and had lunch there. Bought streamer. [This was
some kind of toy which you whirled around on a string and which
"streamed" a tail of (orange crepe?) paper. It may
also have made some humming sound.] Went to Hebrew school.
Wednesday, January 19, 1944.
Went to school. Got 100% on 3 papers. Went to Hebrew school.
Heard Radio.
Thursday, January 20, 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew school. Did my homework. Heard
the radio.
Friday, January 21, 1944.
Went to school. Made something for my report. [?] Went to Wolfsons'.
[I think this was the family of my mother's friend, Eva Woolfson,
her husband Jack, and their son, about my age, Harvey.] Heard
the radio.
Saturday, January 22, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Spitfire" at Sheridan with Nathan.
[This was the Sheridan Theater. There was also a Sheridan Delicatessen.
One day my mother phoned what she thought was the theater, and
asked "What are you featuring today?" There was a pause,
and then the man said "Two cans of sardines for 15 cents."]
I heard the radio.
Sunday, January 23, 1944.
Went to Shul. Played outside. Put on show for visitors. [My
mother encouraged me to entertain people, sometimes with funny
"radio shows"which I made up.] Heard radio.
Monday, January 24, 1944.
Went to school. Played outside. Went to shul. Played with Myrna.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, January 25, 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew school. Did my homework.
Wednesday, January 26. 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew school. Mummy left Myrna and
I by ourselves. Heard radio.
Thursday, January 27, 1944.
Went to school. Went to Hebrew school. Bought a comic book.
Heard radio.
Friday, January 28, 1944.
Went to school. Had lunch at school. Played in the field with
Nathan. Heard radio. [Apparently we did not have Hebrew School
on Fridays.]
Saturday, January 29, 1944.
Went to shul. Went Down Town with the family and saw "Fighting
Seabees." Heard radio.
Sunday, January 30, 1944.
Did not go to shul because there was a holiday. Went to the house
of Stewart Davis. [?]
Monday, January 31, 1944.
Went to school and gave my report. Went to shul. Read comic
Tuesday, February 1, 1944.
Went to school and Mummy brought my lunch. Had fun at H.S. with
Wednesday, February 2, 1944.
Went to school. Went to H.S. Had soldier and wife for company.
[? Wish I could remember the details.] Heard radio.
Thursday, February 3, 1944.
Went to school. Bought some colored pencils. Went to H.S. Heard
Friday, February 4, 1944.
Passed into [grade] 6B in school. Played in Nathan's house.
Heard radio.
Saturday, February 5, 1944.
Went to shul. Daddy bought me an extension cord [probably for
the radio in my room.] I bought a comic. I heard the radio.
Sunday, February 6, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Lassie Come Home." Mummy is going
to send away for a Wood-Burning Pen [for me. Decorative wood-burning
was a popular craft.]
Monday, February 7, 1944.
Went to school for first day of 6B and had lunch there. Went
to Hebrew School. Had house papered.
Tuesday, February 8, 1944.
Went to school. Got a book of wallpaper [samples from the paperhanger].
Made book covers. Went to H.S.
Wednesday, February 9, 1944.
Went to school. Bought notebook. Went to H.S. Heard radio.
Thursday, February 10, 1944.
Went to school. Bought valentines. Went to H.S. Heard radio.
Friday, February 11, 1944.
Went to school. It snowed today. I played in the snow.
Saturday, February 12, 1944.
Didn't go to shul because it was too cold. Saw "Crazy House"
Heard radio.
Sunday, February 13, 1944.
Went to shul. Played outside. Heard radio.
Monday, February 14, 1944.
Went to school. I didn't go to H.S. because some boys beat me
up. A policeman came up [to our apartment?]
Tuesday, February 15, 1944.
Went to school and gave my report. Found names of boys who beat
me up. Went to H.S.
Wednesday, February 16, 1944.
Went to school. Mummy called police on account of boys who beat
me up. Heard radio.
Thursday, February 17, 1944.
Went to school. Mummy talked to Mrs. Deane [my main teacher at
Whittier School.] It rained today. Went to H.S. Heard radio.
Friday, February 18, 1944.
Went to school. Got 11 jig-saw puzzles [from a neighbor.] Broke
my kite. Went to the library. Heard radio.
Saturday, February 19, 1944.
Went to shul. Daddy can make a funny face. Finished 2 jig-saw
puzzles. Heard radio.
Sunday, February 20, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Thousands Cheer." Did jig-saw puzzles.
Heard radio.
Monday, February 21, 1944.
Went to school. Went to H.S. Heard radio.
Tuesday, February 22, 1944.
Didn't go to school because today is [George] Washington's birthday.
Played with Nathan. Today it rained.
Wednesday, February 23, 1944.
Missed school this morning because I didn't feel well. Went to
H.S. Heard radio.
Thursday, February 24, 1944.
Went to school and shul. Played outside. Did jig-saw puzzle.
Heard radio.
Friday, February 25, 1944.
Went to school. Played in the field. Heard radio.
Saturday, February 26, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Jack London" [a movie I have always
remembered because of the scenes of Japanese abusing Russian prisoners
of war] at the Sheridan. Did jig-saw. Heard radio.
Sunday, February 27, 1944.
Went to shul at 9:30 instead of 11 oclock. Went out with Daddy.
Heard radio.
Monday, February 28, 1944.
Went to school. We are getting ready for Myrna's birthday [on
March 4.] Heard radio.
Tuesday, February 29, 1944.
It snowed today. Went to school. I played in the snow. Today
is leap year. I got a new wood-burning pen. I got a comic.
Wednesday, March 1, 1944.
Went tot school & H.S. and heard radio. Played outside.
Myrna's birthday is in 3 days.
Thursday, March 2, 1944.
Went to School and H.S. also heard radio. Got war [savings]
stamps for Myrna. Nathan and I blackmailed Mr.Stien [sic. No
memory of who he was or what this was about.]
Friday, March 3, 1944.
Went to school. Got Myrna's birthday presents. Mr. Woofson came
for supper. [Perhaps his wife Eva was away.]
Saturday, March 4, 1944
Today is Myrna's birthday. She got the presents. Went to shul.
Saw "True to Life." Got 2 comic books. Heard radio.
Sunday, March 5, 1944.
Went to shul. Stayed at Nathan's house all day. Mummy went to
Baltimore [no doubt to visit her friends the Goldsmiths.] Saw
"Phantom of the Opera."
Monday, March 6, 1944.
Went to school & shul. Heard symphony concert [at Coolidge
High School.] I am making a report on the Red Cross.
Tuesday, March 7, 1944.
Went to school & shul. Did jig-saw. Tomorrow I will give
my report.
Wednesday, March 8, 1944.
Went to school. Had Purim celebration at shul. Gave my report.
Heard radio.
Thursday, March 9, 1944.
Forgot to have lunch at school. Didn't go to shul because today
is Purim [a Jewish annual festival, celebrating liberation from
oppression in ancient Persio.] Heard radio. Nathan's grandmother
Friday, March 10, 1944.
Went to school & played baseball. Read comics. Heard radio.
Saturday, March 11, 1944.
I missed shul because I woke up too late. Saw "Lost Angel."
Played with comics. Heard radio.
Sunday, March 12, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "The Gang's All Here." Blew bubbles.
Heard radio.
Monday, March 13, 1944.
Went to school & shul. Got a comic book. Played outside.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, March 14, 1944.
Went ot school & H.S. Went to shul at night because they
are organizing boy scouts [but I never joined.] Played outside.
Wednesday, March 15, 1944.
Went to school & shul. The field is being plowed. I was
asked to take a "Morning Post" paper route [but didn't
accept. My parents didn't encourage this kind of thing.] Heard
Thursday, March 16, 1944.
Went to school and had school luncheon. [This was an annual event,
with special tickets purchased beforehand]. Went to shul. Played
outside. Heard radio.
Friday, March 17, 1944.
Went to school. Had haircut. It rained today. I had beef-steak
pie. Heard radio.
Saturday, March 18, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Corvette K-225." Had supper by
myself. Heard radio.
Sunday, March 19, 1944.
Went to shul. Had people from Baltimore for lunch [probably my
mother's friends, the Goldsmiths.] Got scrapbook [no doubt a
gift from them.] Heard radio. Today it snowed.
Monday, March 20, 1944.
Went to school & shul. Had substitute teacher. I played
in the snow. Heard radio. Came home late from H.S.
Tuesday, March 21, 1944.
Went to school & shul. Had substitute again. Played in the
snow. Came home late from H.S.
Wednesday, March 22, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Went to the library with my class.
Got a comic book. Heard radio.
Thursday, March 23, 1944.
Went to school in the morning but I didn't go back because grandma
& grandpa came. [These were my mother's parents, Sarah and
Louis Adler, on a visit from Toronto.] Took grandpa out. Today
it rained.
Friday, March 24, 1944.
Went to school. Played outside. Heard radio.
Saturday, March 25, 1944.
Went to shul. Mr. Mensh took Nathan and I out to see "Cover
Girl" & "Dancing Masters." Had lunch out.
Sunday, March 26, 1944.
Went to shul. Played tennis outside. Heard radio.
Monday, March 27, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Played outside. Tomorrow I am going
to the circus with Nathan & Daddy. Heard radio.
Tuesday, March 28, 1944.
Went to school. Had a nap. Went to the circus. [If this was
the time I remember, it was the Ringling Brothers Barnum &
Bailey Circus.]
Wednesday, March 29, 1944.
Today it rained. Went to school & shul. I broke an old umbrella.
I am learning a story for school. Heard radio.
Thursday, March 30, 1944.
Went to school & gave my report. Made a machine gun out of
the broken umbrella. Played outside. Heard radio.
Friday, March 31, 1944.
Went to school. Grandma didn't feel well. Played outside. Went
to shul for a model seder.
Saturday, April 1, 1944.
Today is April Fool's Day. Went to shul. Saw "Tarzan's
Desert Mystery." Heard radio with grandma & pa.
Sunday, April 2, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw baseball game with Mister Mensh & Nathan.
It rained at the baseball game. Stayed in the house the rest
of the day.
Monday, April 3, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Told my story at school. Played with
Harvey & Nathan. [Harvey Kaplan was another close friend.
He lived on our same street, Peabody, about two blocks away.]
Heard radio.
Tuesday, April 4, 1944.
Today it snowed. Went to school & H.S. Did homework. Heard
Wednesday, April 5, 1944.
Went to school. After school Mummy and Myrna went down town with
me. Got a model plane.
Thursday, April 6, 1944.
Went to school. Began making my model plane. Heard radio.
Friday, April 7, 1944.
Today is Pesach [Passover.] Missed school because of Easter.
Built a club-house with Nathan. Had a seder [ceremonial Passover
Saturday, April 8, 1944.
Went to shul. Played outside. Had a seder.
Sunday, April 9, 1944.
Toured Washington with Mr. Mensh. Went to a baseball game at
Griffith stadium. Played outside.
Monday, April 10, 1944.
Played outside. Went to Glen Echo [an amusement park, reached
by streetcar.] Found a comic book.
Tuesday, April 11, 1944.
Went to school. Played with my comics. Heard radio.
Wednesday, April 12, 1944.
Went to school. Helped Nathan try to get subscribers to the "Morning
Post." Got a comic. Heard radio.
Thursday, April 13, 1944.
Went to school & practiced my part for Pan-American Day.
Heard radio. Went collecting hangers with Myrna. [We knocked
on doors asking people if they had any old hangers, planning to
take them back to the cleaners and get one cent each for them.
But we didn't get any.]
Friday, April 14, 1944.
Went to school. Gave my part for Pan-American Day. [Established
in 1930, celebrating annually the common interests of the nations
of North and South America.] Played outside. Heard radio.
Saturday, April 15, 1944.
Played inside. Saw "Henry Aldrich Haunts a House."
Today is the end of Pesach.
Sunday, April 16, 1944.
Went to shul and had a substitute. Played outside and began a
garden. Heard radio.
Monday, April 17, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Had lunch at school. Had some ice
cream. Played outside.
Tuesday, April 18, 1944
Went to school & H.S. Heard a lecture [at school] on China
by Dr. Woodin [an American missionary born in China.] I got his
autograph [which I think included a rubber-stamped version of
his name in Chinese.]
Wednesday, April 19, 1944.
Went ot school & H.S. Fixed my comic books up. I know my
poem for school by heart. Heard radio.
Thursday, April 20, 1944.
Went to school and said my poem. Saw "Shine On Harvest Moon"
with Grandma.
Friday, April 21, 1944.
Went to school & had lunch there. Made things out of popsicle
sticks. Heard radio. Call for Daddy by Bus. [?] Had a haircut.
Saturday, April 22, 1944.
Went to shul & saw a Bar Mitzva. Got a comic book. Saw "Swingtime
Johnny" & "Crime Doctor's Most Amazing Case."
[Probably "Crime Doctor's Strangest Case." There was
a whole series of "Crime Doctor" movies.] Heard radio.
Sunday, April 23, 1944.
Went to Shul. Mummy wouldn't let me go to the movies so I stayed
home by myself. Heard radio.
Monday, April 24, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Got 2nd prize in a declamatory contest
at school. H.R. [Heard Radio.]
Tuesday, April 25, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. I am not allowed to hear the radio.
Traded an R.C.A.F. button [Royal Canadian Air Force.]
Wednesday, April 26, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. I hurt my thumb on a base ball. Played
outside. I got my thumb put in a splint.
Thursday, April 27, 1944.
Today it rained. Went to school. I put a new splint on my thumb.
Had fun with Daddy.
Friday, April 28, 1944.
When I came home from school I broke the key [in the lock.] I
got a ladder and climbed in through the screen. [We were on the
upper floor. There was a hinged screen on our back porch.] I
took my splint off.
Saturday, April 29, 1944.
Today I broke a window. Went to shul and saw a barmitzva. Played
outside and made a trap.
Sunday, April 30, 1944.
Went to shul. Had a fight with Alpher [a fellow student] at shul.
Got a comic book. Went with Daddy & Myrna to Takoma Park.
[This was a district, not a particular park.]
Monday, May 1, 1944.
Stayed home from school because I didn't feel well. Went with
Mummy to the museum. Played outside with a bug sprayer.
Tuesday, May 2, 1944.
Went back to S. and H.S. Played with a hose outside.
Wednesday, May 3, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Mummy made a rubarb crumble [one of
my favorite desserts.] Found a pin-up jig-saw puzzle.
Thursday, May 4, 1944.
Went to school. Got an orange drink. Made a bow. Played outside.
Friday, May 5, 1944.
Went to school. I am preparing for my report. Played outside
& lost my arrow.
Saturday, May 6, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "The Adventures of Mark Twain."
Played at Nathan's house. Heard radio.
Sunday, May 7, 1944
Went to shul. Went with the Menshes to Glen Echo [amusement park.]
Got home late. Played outside.
Monday, May 8, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Had lunch at S. Mac Toplin is safe. [He
was a family friend, I think in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Apparently he had been reported shot down or
missing, but was now known to be a prisoner of war in Germany.]
Played outside.
Tuesday, May 9, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Gave my report. I am the star of a
Chinese play. Mummy typed out my part. [This was "The Stolen
Prince," a play in Chinese style we put on at school. I
think I played the Prince.]
Wednesday, May 10, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Practiced the play. Mummy is invited
to it. Played outside.
Thursday, May 11, 1944.
Went to school & made an invitation to the Chinese program.
Had graduation pictures taken. [I would soon be graduating from
Whittier Elementary School, and next semester I would be attending
Paul Junior High School.] Played outside.
Friday, May 12, 1944.
Went to school. Gave Mummy the invitation. She is coming. Played
outside. Made a toy box.
Saturday, May 13, 1944.
Played outside. Saw "Passage to Marseilles." Got a
comic book. Heard radio.
Sunday, May 14, 1944.
Went on a S.S. picnic [I think to Rock Creek Park] and had fun
there. I won a prize in a race. [As I recall, the prize was
a toy plane which you launched with a kind of pump.]
Monday, May 15, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Played outside. Slept on the couch. [Why?]
Tuesday, May 16, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Played outside. Read comic books.
Wednesday, May 17, 1944.
Went to School & gave a report. Went to H.S. Played out.
Thursday, May 18, 1944.
Went to S. & 2 mothers came up to cut out my costume for the
play. Played outside.
Friday, May 19, 1944.
Went to S. My costume is almost ready. Beat up Norman [Schwartz.]
Played out.
Saturday, May 20, 1944.
Went to H.S. Saw "Bar 20" & "Deerslayer."
Got a comic book.
Sunday, May 21, 1944.
Went to S.S. Played with my soldiers. [These were mostly of
cardboard.] Played with Erector set. Heard radio.
Monday, May 22, 1944.
Went to S. Got an ice cream. Went to H.S. Played with Erector
set. Played out.
Tuesday, May 23, 1944.
Went to S. & had a very good ice cream. Went to H.S. Mummy
& Daddy went out.
Wednesday, May 24, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Gave dress rehearsal for play. Had an
ice cream. Played out. Played with my Monopoly.
Thursday May 25, 1944.
Went to school & gave Chinese program and play. [What I best
remember about this play is that the cast included a "Property
Man" who, e.g. when the narrator says "It is autumn
and the leaves are falling," comes out on stage and shakes
some leaves into the air. I also remember playing hiding and
chasing games backstage among the curtains with my friend Harvey
Kaplan.] Played out.
Friday, May 26, 1944.
Had poetry contest at S. Played out. Got a comic book.
Saturday, May 27, 1944.
Went to Shul. Saw "Spider Woman" & "Sweethearts
of the U.S.A." [In general, I didn't particularly choose
what to see at the movies - just saw whatever happened to be playing.]
Sunday, May 28, 1944.
Played out and made a message carrier [with Nathan. It didn't
work.] Saw "Weapons of War" exhibit. [This was downtown,
I think on or near the grounds of the Washington Monument.]
Monday, May 29, 1944.
Played out Went down town with Mummy & had a chocolate sundae.
Took down the message carrier.
Tuesday, May 30, 1944.
Mrs. McElwee called the police on Nathan & I because we wrote
a note to her. [She was my family's neighbor across the hall.
Nathan and I had been playing ball on her side of the building,
and she had told us to go away. We wrote some kind of threatening
note and put it on her door. She called the police - but Nathan's
father knew the officers, and nothing happened.] Went to H.S.
at 10:00. Played out. Went to Glen Echo & had a good time.
Wednesday, May 31, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Had lunch at S. I planted some tomatoes.
Had ice cream.
Thursday, June 1, 1944.
Went to school. Watered the tomatoes. Had an ice cream. Played
Friday, June 2, 1944.
Went to S. Had ice cream. Played out with some new boys.
Saturday June 3, 1944.
Went to shul. A man at Mr. Mensh's bank [where he worked] gave
me a dime. [And a bookstall friend of his gave me] a free comic.
[Nathan and I then went and] saw "The Story of Dr. Wassel."
Sunday, June 4, 1944.
Went to S.S. I made 82 in the final test. Went to a big party
in Silver Springs. [I don't know if this had any connection with
it being my father's birthday.]
Monday, June 5, 1944.
Went to school. I am going to be in a debate. Went to H.S.
Played baseball.
Tuesday, June 6, 1944.
Today is D-day. The Allies have landed in France. Went to school
& my side won the debate. Went to H.S.
Wednesday, June 7, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Got a membership to the Capain Marvel club.
[Captain Marvel was one of my favorite comic book heroes.]
Thursday, June 8, 1944.
Today I broke 2 new front teeth. [This accident was physically
the most traumatic event of my life until I got hit by a car at
age 77. In the alley between our houses, Nathan and I were running
to catch a ball, and our heads collided. One of my front teeth
was badly loosened. The other was broken off. I was rushed to
a dentist, but he didn't do much. It was the beginning of a long
period of dental trouble, which didn't really end until I finally
had a permanent bridge put in, about 20 years later.] Went to
the dentist. Went to S. & H.S.
Friday, June 9, 1944.
Went to the dentist. Got a cardboard soldier set. Got a comic
Saturday, June 10, 1944.
Played out. Saw "Larceny With Music" & "Escape
to Danger."
Sunday, June 11, 1944.
Went to S.S. for closing exercises & almost won a prize.
Played out. Read comics. Heard radio.
Monday, June 12, 1944.
Played out. Got 4 comic books. Went to dentist. [Taken by my
mother.] He was going to put a needle in my gums, but I cried
& squirmed so he didn't do it. [I was so frightened that
I ran out of the office, and I think made my own way home.]
Tuesday, June13, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Played baseball. I am going to have my
teeth fixed in Canada. [My mother, who always enjoyed going back
to her home town of Toronto, had apparently decided to take me
to her own favorite dentist there.]
Wednesday, June 14, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Played inside with my marbles. It rained
in the late afternoon.
Thursday, June 15, 1944.
Went to S. Played out with my water pistol. Learned about the
stock exchange.
Friday, June 16, 1944.
Went to S. Saw a program called "America Sings." Had
a haircut.
Saturday, June 17, 1944.
Played out. Read comics that Nathan lent me. Heard radio.
Sunday, June 18, 1944.
Today is very hot. I went in the bath 3 times. Saw a very funny
picture called "Up In Arms."
Monday, June 19, 1944
Today it rained 3 times. Went to S. & H.S. Had a good party
at school.
Tuesday, June 20, 1944.
Tomorrow is the last day of S. [before the 3-month summer vacation,
and my last day at Whittier School.] Had cleanup at S. Went
to H.S. Got a comic book.
Wednesday June 21, 1944.
Went to H.S. Mummy and Daddy came to my graduation. Tomorrow
I am leaving for Canada with Mummy & Myrna. Got 4 comic books,
but I am saving them for the train.
Thursday, June 22, 1944.
Tonight I left for Canada. I stayed up til 1 oclock. Played
Friday, June 23, 1944.
Came into Canada this morning. [i.e. arrived in Toronto.] Aunty
Gert [my mother's sister, married to Amy Wexler] bought me a joke
book. Visited Auntie Rosie & Uncle Joe. [I think Joe was
a brother of my grandfather Louis Adler. They were both in the
"second-hand" business, and had stores near each other
on Queen Street West in Toronto.]
Saturday, June 24, 1944.
Moved into the Tosmans' house [(apartment] The Tosmans were among
my mother's many Toronto friends.] Went to the park. Saw "Appointment
In Berlin" & "What's Buzzin Cousin?"
Sunday, June 25, 1944.
Went to Sunnyside [amusement park] with the Adlers & Wexlers.
Met boy who lives downstairs. Wrote to Nathan.
Monday, June 26, 1944.
Played out. Went to the doctor's & dentist's. [I think this
dentist was a friend of my Mother's named Mark Zimmerman. Fortunately
I liked him.] Saw & played with Howard. [My first cousin,
Howard Adler, then a young child, son of my mother's brother Saul
and his wife Billie.] Had ice cream
Tuesday, June 27, 1944.
Went to the dental college. [I'm not sure why my mother took
me there - perhaps to get a second opinion.] I will have to have
2 teeth out. Visited Bessy Graship. [Another of my mother's
many friends and relatives.]
Wednesday, June 28, 1944.
Played out. Stayed in & played with jig-saw puzzles. Went
to Sunnyside. Saw a war-workers' beauty contest.
Thursday, June 29, 1944.
Went to Aunty Billie's & saw my new cousin Hughie [Howard's
new brother.] Went to a circus with an old friend of mine. [Stanley
Goldman, whom I knew from when I had first lived in Toronto four
years previously.] Went to his house.
Friday, June 30, 1944.
Howard spent the day with us. Went to the park. Had an ice cream
in Bloor St.
Saturday, July 1, 1944.
Went visiting Harvey & Mrs. Wolfson [his mother, Eva.] Saw
"Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" with them. Slept with
Harvey part of the night.
Sunday, July 2, 1944.
Had breakfast with the Wolfsons & went to the [illegible]
with them. Went to the Island. [Centre Island, an amusement
area in Lake Ontario, just offshore from Downtown Toronto. Reached
by ferry.]
Monday, July 3, 1944.
Played out. Went to the dentist. He gave me gas & took out
2 teeth. [These were the two upper front teeth I had broken on
June 8.] Ate something out.
Tuesday, July 4, 1944.
Played out. Went to Tillie Libgott's store & worked there.
Got 50 cents for it. [The Libgotts were family friends who had
a small neighborhood store.] Bought a periscope & a plane.
Wednesday, July 5, 1944.
Played out. Went to Stanley Goldman's house & went to the
park with him.
Thursday, July 6, 1944.
Visited the Wolfsons & went to Riverdale Park with them.
Saw "Pin Up Girl" with Sylvia, Mummy, Myrna. [Sylvia
Harris was a single family friend from England.]
Friday, July 7, 1944.
Went visiting today. Visited [i.e. I was taken along by my mother
to see] Laura Hornblas, Eva Rieder, Aunt Rosie & Uncle Joe,
and the Pifkos.
Saturday, July 8, 1944.
Stanley Goldman came up & I traded comics with him. Played
in the park. Went to Billie's in the evening [i.e. to the home
of my Aunt Billie & Uncle Saul Adler.]
Sunday, July 9, 1944.
Built & played in a fort on the back porch. Went to Sunnyside,
but it rained.
Monday, July 10, 1944.
Went to the dentist. Went downtown & ate with Gert &
Amy. Got some peanuts. Got 20¢
Tuesday, July 11, 1944.
Went swimming with Mummy & Myrna in the Sunnyside pool. Had
supper at Sunnyside.
Wednesday, July 12, 1944.
Went to the Pifcos' & had supper there. Also played there.
Thursday, July 13, 1944.
Went to the Kronbies & had lunch there. [This was the family
of May and Morris Kronby, and their children, Malcolm and Madeleine.]
Went to the Hershmans' & had supper there.
Friday, July 14, 1944.
This morning [my uncle, aunt, and young cousin] Neddy, Dody &
Ricky came. They are going to stay with us. I went to the park
with them.
Saturday, July 15, 1944.
Played with Ricky. Saw "Lady Takes a Chance" and "Swing
Out the Blues." Ate lunch & supper at Grandma's. [My
grandparents lived in an apartment at 1A Havelock St. at the corner
of College, where we had stayed with them when we first came to
Canada in 1939.]
Sunday, July 16, 1944.
Went with the Wexlers [and Mummy and Myrna] by [ferry] boat across
Lake Ontario to Port Dalhousie. Had dinner there. It was cold
coming back.
Monday, July 17, 1944.
Went Down Town. In the evening I felt sick & went to bed.
I brought up twice. [This I was sure was caused by some corned
beef sandwiches on rye bread that I had had in a restaurant.]
Tuesday, July 18, 1944.
Didn't eat very much today. Went to Aunty Billie's. Did messages.
Wednesday, July 19, 1944.
Stayed with Dody & Neddy. Received daily [newspaper] comics
& model airplanes from Daddy [who was still in Washington.]
Made & flew one of the models.
Thursday, July 20, 1944.
It rained today & last night. Played with the model that
I made. Saw "Miracle of Morgan's Creek" & "Black
Friday, July 21, 1944.
Dody & Ned left. Went to the Dentist & had my new teeth
put in. [I had had nothing but a gap since July 3. This was
not supposed to be a permanent bridge, but to allow for more growth.]
Went with Mummy to an optometrist.
Saturday, July 22, 1944.
Played out all morning. Went to the park & went to Billie's.
Sunday, July 23, 1944.
Ate lunch out. I did not want to treat [my Aunt] Gerty [to lunch,
and this got me into trouble.] Went swimming in the Sunnyside
Monday, July 24, 1944.
Had lunch at the Georgian Room [a fancy restaurant on the 9th
floor of Eaton's Department Store.] Saw "Bathing Beauties"
with Eva & Harvey Wolfson.
Tuesday, July 25, 1944.
Visited & had lunch with the Linkofs. Had supper with the
Wednesday, July 26, 1944.
Saw "The Hitler Gang" downtown. Had dinner at Gert's.
Thursday, July 27, 1944.
Went to the Dentist & got dental floss. Saw "Two Girls
& a Sailor" with Auntie Billie & Howard.
Friday, July 28, 1944.
Had lunch at Grandma's. Washed the kitchen floor. I keep hiding
my money [presumably from my mother who would threaten to take
it away if I were not more generous.]
Saturday, July 29, 1944.
Visited the Millers. Daddy will be here tomorrow.
Sunday, July 30, 1944.
Today Daddy came. Went to station to meet him. Got comic books.
Got a schoolbag & dishes [?] & 50¢
Monday, July 31, 1944.
Came [by train] to Montieth Inn. [A Jewish resort on a lake in
Muskoka, a rural district north of Toronto. I'm not sure when
it had been decided that we would go there.] I don't like it
very much. Went to the beach.
Tuesday, August 1, 1944.
Went on a hike to a lake [and swam in it]. Went to the beach.
Wednesday, August 2, 1944.
Went to the beach. Saw the people dancing.
Thursday, August 3, 1944.
Saw a very good concert. I couldn't go in the water today. Mummy
& Daddy went on a cruise.
Friday, August 4, 1944.
Played in the water. Read comic books. Saw people dancing.
Saturday, August 5, 1944.
Played in the water. Saw people dancing.
Sunday, August 6, 1944.
The water was very cold. Played tennis with Daddy. Saw "Holiday
Monday, August 7, 1944.
Played at the beach. Played tennis with Daddy & Mummy. Found
a Fishing Rod.
Tuesday, August 8, 1944.
Went fishing & had a lot of fun. Went in the water. Played
Wednesday, August 9, 1944.
Went fishing & caught 3 fish. Had 2 ice cream bars. Saw
Thursday, August 10, 1944.
Went fishing. Played in the water. Saw a concert.
Friday, August 11, 1944
Left Monteith Inn for Toronto. Had supper at Grandma's.
Saturday, August 12, 1944.
Had breakfast at Grandma's. Daddy left today. Had supper at
Gert's. Saw "And The Angels Sing."
Sunday, August 13, 1944.
Went collecting silver paper. Went swimming at the Sunnyside
Monday, August 14, 1944.
Had lots of fun at Sunnyside. Saw "The White Cliffs of Dover."
Got a book called "How to Draw."
Tuesday, August 15, 1944.
Stayed at home while Mummy was out. Played in the park with Stanley
Wednesday, August 16, 1944
I got a haircut. Went to Sunnyside and played in the tank. Had
supper there.
Thursday, August 17, 1944.
Went to the dentist & had my teeth put back in. [?] Visited
the Greenburgs.
Friday, August 18, 1944.
Stayed home. Washed the kitchen floor. Played out. Had an ice
Saturday, August 19, 1944.
Saw "Once Upon a Time." Went downtown.
Sunday, August 20, 1944.
Played out. [Uncle] Amy had a blowout [on one of his tires.]
Went to Sunnyside.
Monday, August 21, 1944.
Played out. Played with my drawing book. Visited the Koskeys.
Tuesday, August 22, 1944.
Went to the dentist & downtown by myself. Stayed downtown.
Wednesday, August 23, 1944.
Had lunch out & saw "Show Business" with the Pifkos.
Had supper at Gert's.
Thursday, August 24, 1944.
Myrna is sick. Went shopping with Grandma. Played with Stanley
Goldman. Visited the Godfreys with Mummy.
Friday, August 25, 1944
Today we captured Paris. Played out. Went to the library. Had
an ice cream cone.
Saturday, August 26, 1944.
Saw "The Falcon and the Co-Eds" & "Government
Girl." I wanted to trade my comics in a store, but could
only get 1 for 2 [so I didn't.]
Sunday, August 27, 1944.
We are leaving tomorrow [after 2 months in Canada.] Went downtown
to the station with Mummy & Amy. Saw our old radio fixed
up. Myrna & I have $2.
Monday, August 28, 1944.
Helped in packing. Went downtown with Mummy. Got a dollar from
Sylvia. Got a dollar from Billie. Left on the train [in the
Tuesday, August 29, 1944.
Came into Washington this morning. Took a taxi to our house.
Got 2 model planes. Got 2 comic books.
Wednesday, August 30, 1944.
Played with my comic books. Went shopping with Mummy. Played
Thursday, August 31, 1944.
Played with my comics. Played out. Went shopping. Got $5 from
Daddy. Got some books & an electric questioner [which didn't
work] from the Wolfsons [not the Canadian Wolfsons. Some other
family who were in the process of moving.]
Friday, September 1, 1944.
Played out. Made & played in a tent. Went shopping.
Saturday, September 2, 1944.
Went to shul. Went out to lunch & saw "Janie."
It is very hot today.
Sunday, September 3, 1944.
Played out. Made a toy clown. Stayed in. Went to the Library
of Congress. Had a soda out.
Monday, September 4, 1944.
Went to H.S. Played out. Nathan came back from Maine. [He and
his family used to go there every summer.]
Tuesday, September 5, 1944.
Went to H.S. Played with my [cardboard] soldiers. Played out.
Wednesday, September 6, 1944.
Went to H.S. Stayed at the library all afternoon. Played out.
Thursday, September 7, 1944.
Went shopping with Nathan & got a lot of stuff. Played out.
Read my library book.
Friday, September 8, 1944.
Went shopping. Played out. Heard radio. Read library books.
Saturday, September 9, 1944.
Read library books. Went with Nathan to Safeways to carry orders,
but we didn't get any. Played out. Heard radio.
Sunday, September 10, 1944.
Went with family to the Alfers' to have moving pictures taken
of us. Went to the airport with the Menshes. Got a "Popular
Science" magazine.
Monday, September 11, 1944.
Went to H.S. & almost got beat up. Played out. Went to the
Tuesday, September 12, 1944.
Went to H.S. It rained today. Played inside. Played out. Marsha
Mensh (Nathan's younger sister) stayed with us.
Wednesday, September 13, 1944.
It rained today. Played inside. Read comic books. Heard radio.
Thursday, September 14, 1944.
Read a book. It rained again today. Played inside. Got a book
of Model planes. Went shopping. Heard radio.
Friday, September 15, 1944.
Went shopping with Mummy & Myrna. Made 3 model Planes. Heard
Saturday, September 16, 1944.
Made model planes. Found a turtle & made a house for it.
Heard radio.
Sunday, September 17, 1944.
Played with the turtle which I named Trudy [probably after my
Aunt Gertrude.] Went with Nathan to an old dilapidated schoolhouse.
Went to a New Year service.
Monday, September 18, 1944.
Played inside. Trudy's house broke down. Made a jig-saw puzzle.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, September 19, 1944.
Made a new house for Trudy. Read comic. [Illegible] taken to
Calvin Coolidge [High School.] Tomorrow I go to [start at]
Paul Junior High.
Wednesday, September 20, 1944.
Went to Paul [Junior High School] with Harvey Kaplan. [Like Whittier,
Paul was just a few blocks from home, but in a different direction.]
I didn't like it very much. I was very confused. Bought school
Thursday, September 21, 1944.
Went to school. I liked it a little better. Read books.
Friday, September 22, 1944.
Went to school. Went shopping with Mummy. Played out.
Saturday, September 23, 1944.
Played out. Climbed trees. Rode Nathan's scooter. Heard radio.
Sunday, September 24, 1944.
Myrna is sick. Played out. Didn't go anywhere. Heard radio.
Monday, September 25, 1944.
Went to school. Went to H.S. I have a bad cold. Myrna is very
sick. [Myrna and I slept in single beds but shared a bedroom.]
Tuesday, September 26, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Myrna is a little better. Heard radio.
Wednesday, September 27, 1944.
Today is Yom Kippur [Jewish Day of Atonement and fasting.] I
fasted till 3 o'clock. Secretly got a comic book. Heard radio.
Thursday, September 28, 1944.
Went to school & got a lot of homework. It took me from 4:30
to 9:15 to do it.
Friday, September 29, 1944.
Went to school. Sent away for 2 "Jack Armstong" model
planes & also sent away for a book of presidents.
Saturday, September 30, 1944.
Went to the doctor. Went to Daddy's office. Visited Auntie Rene
Hornick [another family friend.]
Sunday, October 1, 1944.
Went to shul. Made a boat on the porch. Heard radio.
Monday, October 2, 1944.
Went to shul & had a cucas party there. [Sukkos, the Jewish
festival of Tabernacles] Played inside. Heard radio.
Tuesday, October 3, 1944.
Went to school. Harvey Kaplan came up & I played with him.
Had beef steak pie. Did homework.
Wednesday, October 4, 1944.
Went to school. Bought a circle drawer [compass.] Got a comic.
Heard radio. I have promised to write about how I would like
H.S. [to be.]
Thursday, October 5, 1944.
Went to school. Went shopping with Mummy. Played with my cupass
Friday, October 6, 1944.
Went to school. Mummy got a letter from the Rabbi saying that
my conduct has not been good. Got a red & blue pencil &
notebook paper.
Saturday, October 7, 1944.
Went to shul. Went to the Docter & had an allergy test.
Went to get a coat with Mummy. Heard radio.
Sunday, October 8, 1944.
Went to shul & had a talk with Daddy & the Rabbi about
me. Got a fun book. Went skating. Heard radio.
Monday October 9, 1944.
Went to school. Had a celebration of Simchas Torah at shul. [Annual
festival, "Rejoicing of the Torah."] I was the chousen
[chazzan or cantor]. Dictated my essay for H.S. to Mummy [as
she typed it.]
Tuesday, October 10, 1944.
Went to school & applied for a lunch pass [to come home for
lunch.] Did homework. Went to library.
Wednesday, October 11, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. The Rabbi would not let me read the
essay and he took it away.
Thursday, October 12, 1944.
Went to school. Tried to get a comic book but no store had the
one I wanted. Got a haircut. Got lunch pass. Came home for
lunch. Went shopping.
Friday, October 13, 1944.
Went to school. My play won [What I wrote as a simplification
of Shakespeare's play was elected best] and I am taking charge
of the first scene in "As You Like It." Today it rained.
Did homework. Heard radio.
Saturday, October 14, 1944.
Went to shul. Went to the doctor & had some more allergy
tests. Got a new overcoat. Joined the Morton's Rangers [a club
run by Morton's Department Store at 7th & D St., where I got
my coat.]
Sunday, October 15, 1944.
Went to Sunday School. My teacher is very mean. Aunty Marjory
[Marjory Hornblas] and her uncle visited us. Uncle Al brought
me a game set [called "Five Famous Favorites."] Got
an airplane magazine.
Monday, October 16, 1944.
Went to School & H.S. The Rabbi kept me after school. Stayed
up late to do my homework.
Tuesday, October 17, 1944.
Went to school. Went to H.S. I was good at H.S. today. Did
homework. Stayed up late.
Wednesday, October 18, 1944.
Went to school. I was good at H.S. today. Did homework. Finished
map I was making.
Thursday, October 19, 1944.
Went to school & bought my lunch there. [Unlike Whittier
School, Paul Jr. High had a cafeteria.] My homework didn't take
very long. Read comics.
Friday, October 20, 1944.
Went to school. Went shopping in the rain. Got things for haloween.
Decorated our room [at home] for haloween with Myrna.
Saturday, October 21, 1944.
Went to shul. Saw "Ghost Catchers." Made a Jack o
lantern. Did homework. Heard radio.
Sunday, October 22, 1944.
Went to Sunday School. Leon Hornicker [another family friend]
had lunch with us. Read comic books. Did part of my homework.
Heard radio.
Monday, October 23, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Did homework. Came home for lunch.
Tuesday, October 24, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Got 100 in an H.S. test. Did homework.
Wednesday, October 25, 1944.
Went to School and H.S. Did homework. I started to read my speech
at H.S., but kids wouldn't listen.
Thursday, October 26, 1944.
Went to school. Did homework. Went shopping at about 8:00, but
I got the wrong things. Arranged comic books.
Friday, October 27, 1944.
I have a bad cold today. When I came home from school I went
right to bed & had supper there. I had no homework. Heard
Roosevelt speak [on the radio.]
Saturday, October 28, 1944.
Didn't go to shul because I have a cold. Stayed in my pajamas
all day. Got the model airplanes I sent away for. Got some comic
Sunday, October 29, 1944.
Went to shul. Uncle Al visited us. Started a model plane. Heard
Monday October 30, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Got a Bible Story comic book from the
shul library. Went begging with Nathan. [in certain parts of
the U.S. the night before Halloween is known as Beggars'Night]
Tuesday, October 31, 1944.
Today is Halloween. Went to school. Got a book from the school
library. Went to H.S. Read comic books.
Wednesday, November 1, 1944.
Went to School & H.S. Went shopping. Read comic books. Did
homework. Secretly got a comic book.
Thursday, November 2, 1944.
Went to school & bought a jig-saw at an auction there. Did
homework read comics. Mummy found out about me buying the comic
book. Mummy says she is going to give away all my comics. My
false tooth came out.
Friday, November 3, 1944
Went to school. Heard radio. Read comics. Did homework. Went
to the Dentist, but he didn't put my teeth back in.
Saturday, November 4, 1944.
Went to the dentist & had my teeth back in. Went to the library.
Did homework.
Sunday, November 5, 1944.
Went to shul. Had turkey for lunch. Made a solid model plane.
Heard radio.
Monday, November 6, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Typed out something fro the shul paper,
but Mummy didn't like it.
Tuesday, November 7, 1944.
Today is election day, Dewey against Roosevelt. Stayed up late
to hear election reports. The Parents came to school today.
Went to H.S.
Wednesday, November 8, 1944.
Roosevelt has been [re-] elected president. Went to school &
H.S. I was good at H.S. I had to stay after school. Stayed
up late to do homework.
Thursday, November 9, 1944.
Went to school. I am doing woodwork there. Did homework. Made
most of my model plane. Had a bath.
Friday, November 10, 1944.
Went to school for a ½ day because there was a teachers'
meeting. I saw "Frenchman's Creek."
Saturday, November 11, 1944.
Went to shul. Went downtown with the family & got a microscope
set. Had a soda. Heard radio.
Sunday, November 12, 1944.
Went to shul & entered a contest for singing a song. I won,
but if I'm good I'll get a prize next week. Saw "Casanova
Monday, November 13, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Got a lift home from H.S. on George
Liss' bike. Stayed up late to do homework.
Tuesday, November 14, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Got a lift home from H.S. again. Had
a test at H.S. Did homework. Played with Daddy.
Wednesday, November 15, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Got a compliment at school. My English
teacher said that I speak well. Had a test at H.S. Did homework.
Thursday, November 16, 1944.
Went to School. Got a stensil lettering card & went shopping.
Did homework.
Friday, November 17, 1944.
Went to school. Did homework. Helped Mummy make a cake. Made
part of model plane. Went shopping with Mummy.
Saturday, November 18, 1944.
Didn't go to shul because Myrna was sick & I had to mind her.
Saw "Hail the Conquering Hero." Daddy gave a party.
Played with my "Copyfun" set. Copied comics. Made
part of model plane.
Sunday, November 19, 1944.
When to shul. Got a chola [braided bread] cover as a prize in
a singing contest. Heard radio. Myrna is still sick. Went to
the library of congress & saw old newspapers.
Monday, November 20, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Did homework. Myrna is getting better.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, November 21, 1944.
Went to school & H.S. Had thanksgiving celebration at school.
Played with copyfun. Did Homework.
Wednesday, November 22, 1944.
Saw a Red Cross benefit movie at school called "When Johnny
Comes Marching Home," but everyone was talking and I didn't
enjoy it. Went to H.S. Rode Nathan's mother's bike to &
from H.S. Heard radio.
Thursday, November 23, 1944.
Today is Thanksgiving. Didn't go to school. Went to the zoo
with Menshes & had lunch with them & saw "Brother
Rat" & "Cowboy Canteen." Had Reene & Mildred
& Leon for Thanksgiving. Made place cards & acted out
jokes for guests with Myrna.
Friday, November 24, 1944.
Today is still a holiday. I have a cold so I stayed in my pajamas.
Played with my soldiers & Myrna. When Mummy came in she
wanted me to get dressed. I didn't want to so she said I wouldn't
have dinner. But Daddy came in & he let me.
Saturday, November 25, 1944.
Didn't go to shul because I still have a cold. Stayed in the
house all day. Heard radio. Borrowed 10 comic books from Nathan
& read them.
Sunday, November 26, 1944.
Went to shul. Went with Mummy & Myrna to the Chevy Chase
Ice Palace but didn't do anything. Arranged some model planes
on sticks & had Daddy hang them up in my room. Heard radio.
Monday, November 27, 1944.
Went to school but not H.S. because it was raining. Did Homework.
Played with Nathan. Got comic book from subscription. [I think
the only comic book I ever subscribed to was "Loony Tunes
Merry Melodies" with Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny.] Mummy sent
away for a subscription to "Popular Science" for me.
It cost $2.50. I paid $1 & Daddy paid $1.50.
Tuesday, November 28, 1944.
My false teeth came out in school. When I came home Mummy said
that I would have to go to dentist tomorrow during school. I
started to cry because I don't want to miss school & I have
to have them in by Friday when we are giving a play. I went to
dentist, but he talked back to me. Every dentist wants us to
have an appointment. Went to H.S. Did homework.
Wednesday, November 29, 1944.
Went to school but not H.S. because I went downtown with Mummy.
We went to a dentist, but he can't fix my teeth because they
are broken. I might spend my Xmas holiday in Toronto. Did Home
work. Got a Dick Tracy detective kit free at Mortons. Had a
cup of tea & a cupcake downtown.
Thursday, November 30 1944.
Went to school. I am making a tie rack in Manual Arts. Did homework.
Went shopping. Heard radio.
Friday, December 1, 1944.
Went to S. & didn't have any homework. Read some of my books.
Heard radio.
Saturday, December 2, 1944.
Didn't go to shul but went with Mummy to the Georgetown Dental
College. Mummy will send my [2 false] teeth to our dentist in
Canada [Dr. Zimmerman.] When he sends them back, they will put
them in. Saw "The Merry Monahans." Heard Radio.
Sunday, December 3, 1944.
Went to shul [Sunday School] but got kicked out of class as almost
every week. Played Monopoly with Nathan & Myrna. We started
alright, but didn't get along later, so I broke up the game.
Went riding with Nathan using his mother's bike. Heard radio.
Monday, December 4, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Made a record at H.S. [on the machine in
the Rabbi's office.] Rode Mrs. Mensh's bike with Nathan to &
from H.S. My homework kept me up late.
Tuesday, December 5, 1944.
Went to S. & rode on a bike to H.S. again. Mummy & Myrna
went out. My homework kept me up till 10:00.
Wednesday, December 6, 1944.
Went to S. & rode to H.S. as before. Stayed up very late
to do homework.
Thursday, December 7, 1944.
Went to school & came home for lunch. Didn't have any homework.
Played out. Heard radio.
Friday, December 8, 1944.
Went to school & was the Hermit in [an adaptation of] the
[Shakespeare] play "As You Like It." Had Reene for
beef-steak pie dinner. Heard radio. Tomorrow is my birthday.
Saturday, December 9, 1944.
Today is my birthday. I got a book called "It's Fun to Draw,"
a tie & belt & fountain pen & pass holder & some
money that Mummy took away from me in Canada. Got birthday cards.
Myrna gave me 50¢. Had lunch out & saw "Kansas
City Kitty" with Myrna & Daddy. Mummy didn't feel well
& didn't come with. Heard radio. Got $2 from Reene [Hornick.]
Sunday, December 10, 1944.
Went to S.S. and was good today. Played & went bike riding
with Nathan. Did homework. Heard Radio. Had a guest.
Monday, December 11, 1944.
Went to school, but not H.S. because it was raining very hard
& I was all wet. Did homework. Played inside.
Tuesday, December 12, 1944.
Today it snowed for the first time this year. Went to school
& H.S. Did homework.
Wednesday, December 13, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. In the mail box we found a slip saying
that there was a package for me at the Catholic church [on Georgia
Ave., which was being used as a parcel Post Office.] I went after
H.S. It was [from friends or relatives in Toronto] for me a game
of "Sorry," for Myrna a Walt Disney Magic Slate. Did
Thursday, December 14, 1944.
Went to S. & had a medical exam. I felt so funny when the
doctor asked me to pull down my pants. Made [assembled] part
of animated comic book that I got at Sears yesterday. Did homework.
Went shopping.
Friday, December 15, 1944.
Talked with Harvey Kaplan & went to his house & played
with him. Had no homework. Heard radio.
Saturday, December 16, 1944.
Didn't go to shul because I went with Mummy to the dental college
to have my teeth put back in but they couldn't do it [because
the adjoining teeth had grown together.] Mummy was mad at me
because on Nov. 28 I wouldn't go to Dr. Forester. Saw "Henry
Aldrich's Little Secret." Heard radio.
Sunday, December 17, 1944.
Went to S.S. & Mr. Kirshenbaum told me not to come back next
week without Daddy. Today is the last day of Chanukah. Visited
the Feldmans.
Monday, December 18, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Played with Nathan for money with svivones
[spinning tops, a Chanukah toy] at H.S. I lost some money. Went
to a dentist downtown with Mummy, but he couldn't put my teeth
back in. Did Homework.
Tuesday, December 19, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Got a pencil box as a present for a boy
in my room at S. [We all had to give someone a present.] Mummy
& Daddy went to a Parents Meeting at S. Did homework.
Wednesday, December 20, 1944.
Went to S. & H.S. Had a musical Christmas program at S.
Did Homework Heard Radio. In Math I got 100 in Homework &
100 in 2 tests.
Thursday, December 21, 1944.
Went to S. & had a Christmas party there. As a [required]
gift I got a book called "The Mystery of Cabin Island"
[one of the Hardy Boys series.] When I came home I didn't feel
well & had a headache all evening. Heard radio.
Friday, December 22, 1944.
Didn't go to school because of the Christmas holiday. Played
Sorry & Monopoly with Myrna. Went shopping with Mummy. Heard
Saturday, December 23, 1944.
Our Christmas holiday continues until Jan 2, 1944 [sic.] Went
to the Dentist & had gold wire put in between my back teeth
so that I can have my front teeth pulled apart to make room for
my bridge. Saw "Heavenly Days." Heard Radio
Sunday, December 24, 1944.
Went to S.S. & wasn't so good there. My teacher Mr. Kirschenbaum
[whom I didn't like] came in the evening & I had a long discussion
with him, Mummy & Daddy. Leon [Hornicker] & Reene [Hornick]
came for supper. Went [with Daddy] to the White House lawn for
carol singing.
Monday, December 25, 1944.
Missed H.S. because I woke up too late. For Christmas I got [from
my parents] a scrap book, a 2 way microphone set, socks &
shoelaces, a joke magazine. Worked movies machine of ours. [We
had a very primitive projector which could show short silent films,
of which we had just one or two.] Heard radio.
Tuesday, December 26, 1944.
Went to dentist with Mummy & Myrna & had something put
on my back teeth. Ate lunch at Euart's [cafeteria.] Got a book
called "Jr.'s It's Fun to Draw." Saw "Kismet."
Wednesday, December 27, 1944.
Went to H.S. Played with Nathan here, at his house, & outside
in the street. Played inside. Heard radio.
Thursday, December 28, 1944.
Went shopping for presents for Mummy & Daddy. Got Daddy a
$1 picture of Churchill. I was going to get Mummy a shopping
cart but when I came back to say I wanted it they said they didn't
have any. Went to dentist & had a wire put on my teeth.
Played inside by myself.
Friday, December 29, 1944.
Went shopping & took a long time. Played outside. Heard
Radio. Went to shul & said a Kiddush [blessing] there.
Saturday, December 30, 1944.
Went to Dentist but didn't have anything done to my teeth. Went
shopping. Made Jig Saw puzzles with Myrna. Heard Radio. Read
Sunday, December 31, 1944.
Went to S.S & wasn't very good. Did jig-saws. Saw "Rainbow
Island. Heard Radio. Today is New Years Eve.
Monday, January 1, 1945.
Today is New Years. Went with Menshes to see "Hollywood
Canteen." Had no lunch except some buns. I was bad tonight
& Mummy says I can't go out with the Menshes any more.
Tuesday, January 2, 1945.
Went to School & H.S. Anne Greenberg & son Murray came
for a few days. Got a "Jacob's Ladder" [a toy consisting
of wood blocks connected with string or tape, which appear to
cascade when held in a certain way. It was sent by the Kronbies
from Toronto.] I don't like Murray. Did homework.
Wednesday, January 3. 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. I hid my comics on [from] Murray, but I
had to show that I hid them in the trunk. Did homework. Painted
my tie rack in Manual Arts.
Thursday, January 4, 1945.
Went to school & painted my tie rack again. Showed English
things in Geography. The Greenbergs left. Did homework.
Friday, January 5, 1945.
Went to S. Took a big part in discussing England in Geography.
Shelacked my tie rack. Did homework. Heard radio.
Saturday, January 6, 1945.
Went to shul. Mummy & Daddy went to Baltimore. Went downtown
with Myrna & the Menshes & saw "The Princess &
the Pirate." Heard radio.
Sunday, January 7, 1945.
Went to S.S. & went shopping. Played with Daddy inside.
Read articals in the American Weekly. Heard Radio.
Monday, January 8, 1945
Went to school & H.S. Brought home my tie rack & everybody
liked it. Did homework & stayed up late to do it.
Tuesday, January 9, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Began my scrapbook of England for Geography.
Did homework. I won't have Manual Arts in the 7B.
Wednesday, January 10, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Worked on my scrapbook. Did homework.
Finished a map of England. Started a sewing box for Mummy in
Manual Arts.
Thursday, January 11, 1945.
Went to S. Worked on my scrapbook. Went downtown with Mummy
to get shoes but Mummy had the wrong cupons. Saw a woman get
hurt by a car coming home.
Friday, January 12, 1945.
Went to Dentist. Went to School & didn't have much homework.
Cut out articles for my scrapbook. Heard 1 program on radio.
Had a slight nose-bleed. Grandpa Adler [in Toronto] had an operation.
Saturday, January 13, 1945.
Didn't go to shul. Played Monopoly with Myrna & Nathan.
Went shopping. Heard radio.
Sunday, January 14, 1945.
Last night I was sick & I vomited. Didn't go to S.S. Saw
"Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Uncle Al [Wainburg] had dinner
with us. Heard radio.
Monday, January 15, 1945.
Went to S. & had a test at H.S. I got 10% in it. Mummy typed
out some things for my scrapbook. Did homework.
Tuesday, January 16, 1945.
Went to school & played in the snow during P.T. Got a sweater
with "Junior Commandos" on it [from Uncle Marsh, my
mother's brother in California.] Did S. & H.S. homework.
Went to H.S. Mummy typed some things for my scrapbook.
Wednesday, January 17, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Read my questions at H.S. that I did for
homework. Arranged things in scrapbook. Got some [English] newspapers
from Aunty Irene [Benenson.] Used some in my scrapbook.
Thursday, January 18, 1945.
Went to School & found a paper puncher. Almost got beat up
by 2 boys but I got away. Did Homework & worked on scrapbook.
Went to the Dentist.
Friday, January 19, 1945.
Went to S. Read comics. Worked on scrapbook. Heard radio.
Saturday, January 20, 1945.
I have a very bad cold. Stayed in my room all day & missed
Shul. Finished my scrapbook. Read comics. Heard Radio. Sneezed
a lot.
Sunday, January 21, 1945.
I still have a little bit of a cold. Missed S.S. Made a jig-saw
puzzle. Put an end page in my scrapbook. We got a wire saying
that Grandpa Brilliant [in England] is sick.
Monday, January 22, 1945.
Went to S. & handed in my scrapbook. Got A on my map. Went
to H.S. Stayed up late & heard radio while I did my homework.
Tuesday January 23, 1945.
Daddy is flying to England. Went to S. & H.S. No word yet
from England. Stayed up late to do homework.
Wednesday, January 24, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Daddy is preparing to fly to England.
Did Homework. Mummy bought us a comic book. Heard Radio.
Thursday, January 25, 1945.
Went to S. Went to the dentist & did shopping. Daddy will
leave soon. Had no homework.
Friday, January 26, 1945.
We got a wire saying "Journey unnecessary. Slight improvement,"
but Daddy is still going. Made a record at shul with Mummy &
Myrna for grandma [in England.] Got valentines. Heard radio.
Saturday, January 27, 1945.
Had a little cold & missed Shul. Got badge & book from
Capt. Midnight [a radio program.] Went to Union Station &
saw Daddy off. [He was to fly in a military plane.]
Saw "Winged Victory."
Sunday, January 28, 1945.
Went to S.S. & had to stay after school & face the wall.
Went to Reene's. Read magazines & had supper there. Did
homework. Got an inhaler.
Monday, January 29, 1945.
Missed H.S. because today is Chamusho Oso Bshvot [Chamisha Asar
B'shvat, meaning the 15th day of the month of Shvat, a Jewish
festival.] Went shopping. Got a flying Capt. Marvel & a
magic book. Did Homework.
Tuesday, January 30, 1945.
Went to S. Started learning Rashi [a commentary on the Talmud]
in H.S. Started learning Pesach [Passover] songs. Reene came
up. Put on a magic show with Myrna. Made 40¢ out of it.
Wednesday, January 31, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Turned in a lot of my books in S. Daddy
should be in England but no word yet. [At school] I will be in
an amateur show & will be Walter Winchell [a well-known radio
Thursday, February 1, 1945.
Went to S. & got out early because of graduation. Went to
Dentist. Got B+ on my scrapbook [which was all about England.]
In M.A. [Manual Arts] got 3 A's, 3 C's & 4 B's [on my mechanical
drawing papers.]
Friday, February 2. 1945.
Went to S. & was in amuture show. I thought I had lost my
sweater & Mummy would make me pay 5$ but I got it at shul.
Got [school] report [card] 5 B's, all the rest C's. Passed to
7B [i.e. the second half of the 7th grade.] Heard Radio.
Saturday, February 3, 1945.
Went to shul. Mummy & Myrna went out. Leslie Benenson said
to me "How can one talk without teeth?" Saw "The
Big Noise." Heard Radio.
Sunday, February 4, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played Monopoly with Nathan. Daddy is safe in England.
Saw "And Now Tomorrow." Heard Radio.
Monday, February 5, 1945.
I am in 7B1. Got all new teachers. Went to S. & H.S. Got
a notebook which is very hard to get. Got Judy Garland &
Van Johnson autographs from Marsh. Judy sent a lot of stamps.
[?] Got my first "Popular Science" [i.e. first subscription
copy of that magazine.] Grandpa [in England] is getting better.
Tuesday, February 6, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. I have print shop instead of Manual arts
& history instead of Geography. Did homework. Heard radio.
Wednesday, February 7, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. because Mummy & Myrna are leaving
for Canada today. [My other grandfather, in Toronto, was also
having an operation.] Saw them off. I am staying with the Menshes.
Slept at the Menshes'. [I was now, at age 11, in the odd situation
of having been left behind by both my parents, who had gone off
in different directions to be with their respective ailing fathers.]
Thursday, February 8, 1945.
I am living at the Menshes' now. Went to the Dentist. Got 2
pakages of valentines. I buy my lunch at school now.
Friday, February 9, 1945.
Went to school. Did homework. I feel very hot when I go to sleep.
Got a letter from Mummy & answered it.
Saturday, February 10, 1945.
Went to shul. Went [with the Menshes] to the zoo & saw a
Baby Gibbon. Saw "To Have and Have Not."
Sunday, Febuary 11, 1945.
Went to S.S. Mr. Kirschenbaum gave us 1 min. to say anything
[we wanted to.] Saw "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo." Ate
dinner with Menshes at Hofberg's [delicatessen.]
Monday, February 12, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Stayed up late to do homework. Took valentines
to school.
Tuesday, February 13, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. In Printshop we are taking notes. Got
a letter from Mummy & answered it.
Wednesday, February 14, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got 11 Valentines at school. Got 2 &
a letter from Mummy. Answered the letter. Did Homework.
Thursday, February 15, 1945.
Went to school. Got valentine from Harvey Wolfson. A task force
is off the coast of Japan. Did Homework.
Friday, February 16, 1945.
Went to S. Soon I will be learning how to set type. Got a letter
from Mummy. Grandpa [in Toronto] will have to have another operation.
No word from England.
Saturday, February 17, 1945.
It snowed today. Missed shul. Played in snow with Nathan. Bataan
has been recaptured. Read comics.
Sunday, February 18, 1945.
Went to S.S. Saw "3 Cabelyaros" with Reene & Nathan.
Had Tea at Reene's. Reene told me that Daddy is coming home.
Slept in same bed with Nathan.
Monday, February 19, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. I talked to Mummy on Phone. Daddy came
home. [He had returned by sea.] He went to the Azores &
Scotland. Slept at our place.
Tuesday, February 20, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Daddy brought handkerchief from Azores,
wallet, flag, shells from England. Granpa B[rilliant] better,
but weak.
Wednesday, February 21, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Had disagreements with Daddy. Mummy will
be home Sunday. It rained today.
Thursday, February 22, 1945.
Missed S. because today is Geo. Washington's birthday. When I
woke up I could hardly talk. Went to Dentist. Put stamps that
Marsh sent us from J. Garland in book.
Friday, February 23, 1945.
There is a holiday from S. today. I have a cold. Played out
with Nathan. Made Beds & Washed dishes.
Saturday, February 24, 1945.
Went to shul. Had lunch Down Town at S & W [cafeteria] with
Daddy. Saw "This Man's Navy." Heard Radio.
Sunday, February 25, 1945.
Went to carnival at S.S. Spent a lot of money. Mummy [and Myrna]
came back [from Toronto.] Brought comics, key to city [actually
a key-shaped thermometer] etc. Read comics. Heard radio.
Monday, February 26 1945.
Went to S. Had Purim party at H.S. [A Jewish festival celebrating
deliverance.] Heard Megilla - stamped & shouted. [At Purim,
the Bible story of Esther is read in the synagogue, and it is
traditional to make noise at every mention of Haman, a persecutor
of the Jews in the ancient Persian empire.] Had Pepsi & Homontashen
[traditional Purim pastry.] Went shopping. Did homework.
Tuesday, February 27, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. because today is Purim. Went shopping.
Got a letter P [for Paul Junior High School] to sew on a sweater.
Wednesday, February 28, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Started setting type in Print Shop. Went
shopping. Wrote on "The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword"
for [History] homework.
Thursday, March 1, 1945.
Went to S. Went to the dentist. Got a Box kite. Made it. Mummy
& Daddy went out.
Friday, March 2. 1945.
Went to S. Flew my kite. Made first good proof in Print-shop.
Heard radio.
Saturday, March 3, 1945.
Missed shul. Bought puzzle, [a monkey] puppet & comicscope
[a toy for projecting comics] for Myrna. Her birthday is tomorrow.
Saw "Objective Burma." Heard radio. Got an Ocarina.
Sunday, March 4, 1945.
Went to S.S. I was disappointed because when Myrna got presents
she didn't like the comicscope. Visitors - Alphers - Mr. Thompson
F.B.I. Man. Trouble with Daddy over Comicscope. Broke Kite.
Heard radio. Played Ball with Daddy & Myrna.
Monday, March 5, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did part of Walt Disney puzzle [the one
I gave Myrna.] Secretly showed [worked] Comicscope when Mummy
& Daddy went out.
Tuesday, March 6, 1945
Went to S. & H.S. Cologne has been captured. Myrna finished
jig-saw puzzle. Did homework.
Wednesday, March 7, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Went to library. Took notes on "Black
Hole of Calcutta." Mummy typed it. Did homework.
Thursday, March 8, 1945.
Went to S. Went to the dentist. Bought clay for a puppet. I
am in the Puppet Club at school. The Yanks crossed the Rhine.
Friday, March 9, 1945.
Went to S. At shul was in Friday night services singing Pesach
songs. Mummy & Myrna came. Played out with Nathan.
Saturday, March 10, 1945.
Went to shul. Saw "Carolina Blues" with Myrna. Mummy
& Daddy went out. Heard radio.
Sunday, March 11, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played tennis with Nathan, Daddy & Myrna. Mummy
& Daddy went out. Heard Radio.
Monday, March 12, 1945.
Went to school. Missed H.S. because I went downtown with Mummy
& got pants, shoes & socks. Got a model Plane. Got a
new hebrew book.
Tuesday, March 13, 1945.
Went to School & H.S. Did S & H.S. Homework. Went back
to S. after 3:30 to get book I forgot. Test at H.S. - 35%
Wednesday, March 14, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did S. & H.S. Homework. I am in Puppet
club at school. Started work on Puppet. Mrs. Patterson is the
teacher. Secretly took pins [?] to school. [Added sometime later:]
They were gone next morning. [Also added under same date:] I
wish Myrna would think of something else except "Movies."
I wish Daddy wouldn't pick on me & let me do things by myself.
Thursday, March 15, 1945.
Went to S. Got Victory basket [a shopping basket on wheels] for
Mummy's Birthday but didn't bring it home. Also got a small [shower-]
hose. I am learning geometry at school. Did Homework.
Friday, March 16, 1945.
Went to School & saw Evelyn & Johnny Draper sing &
dance [in a Red Cross benefit performance.] Got Mummy's Victory
Wagon. Saw "My Pal Wolf."
Saturday, March 17, 1945.
Today is Mummy's birthday. Daddy messed up the hose I gave Mummy.
Played out. Heard Radio.
Sunday, March 18, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played out. Saw "Keep Your Powder Dry."
Heard radio. Cleaned up my cubbard.
Monday, March 19, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got a pamphlet on Pesach [Passover] at
H.S. Got 100 in spelling at S. Got 85 in test at H.S. Did Homework.
Tuesday, March 20, 1945.
Went to School & H.S. Did Homework & special art homework.
The weather is getting hot. Stayed up late for Art homework.
Wednesday, March 21, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did S. & H.S. homework. Played out.
Got S. report card - 1 A ,
1 B+, 1 B, 2 C, 2 [check mark]
Thursday, March 22, 1945.
Went to S. Did Homework. Went shopping. Got book "Pocket
Book of War Humor." Went to the library. Mummy & Daddy
are talking about moving. I don't want to move.
Friday, March 23, 1945.
Went to S. & saw an Army Chaplain speak at assembly. Had
a haircut. Got small books for Nathan's birthday. Heard Radio.
Saturday, March 24. 1945.
Went to shul & lost my English sweater. Mummy thinks I can
get it back. Saw "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier." Heard
Sunday, March 25, 1945.
Went to S.S. & had a mock seder. My sweater was found at
the Menshes'. Visited the Berrys. They work in Daddy's office.
Had tea there.
Monday, March 26, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Started making face of puppet
with strips of paper. Heard Seder of Pesach on Radio.
Tuesday, March 27, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Tomorrow is Erev [eve of] Pesach. Finished
face of Puppet. Did Homework.
Wednesday, March 28, 1945.
Went to S. Today is Erev Pesach. Uncle Al & Reene came for
the Seder which I participated in.
Thursday, March 29, 1945.
Missed S. & H.S. because today is Pesach. I will have a holiday
all next week. Saw "The Sign of the Cross" - Religious
- Christians in Rome. Made Jack Armstrong Model Plane.
Friday, March 30, 1945.
Played outside with Myrna. Went to the Library with Mummy &
Myrna. Heard Radio.
Saturday, March 31, 1945.
Played outside. Nathan has scarlet fever is quarantined. Saw
"Man In Half Moon Street." The lights went off [a power
failure which affected the whole neighborhood] but back on later.
Heard Radio.
Sunday, April 1, 1945.
Went to train station to meet Reggy [Regina] Bogat [a cousin on
my mother's side, daughter of Pearl & Archie Bogat, then I
think still in her teens.] She is staying for a week. Went to
Library of Congress with her & Myrna. Heard Radio.
Monday, April 2, 1945.
Took Picnic lunch & went with Reggy to Smithsonian Institute,
Washington Monument and National Archives. Sent away for 4 model
planes. Heard Radio.
Tuesday, April 3, 1945.
Played inside with blocks & my autograph book. Washed &
dried dishes. Everyone else went out. Myrna & Reggy went
to see "Thunderhead" without even telling me. They
were supposed to be visiting the Memorials. I call it a dirty
trick. Played out. Had a bath. Heard Radio.
Wednesday, April 4, 1945.
Went shopping. Saw "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka" down
town. Saw a good stage show [Some movie theaters also had live
entertainment as part of the program.] Heard Radio.
Thursday, April 5, 1945.
Started reading "White Fang" by Jack London. Went shopping
& got a lot of stuff. Played Sorry with Myrna. Started
another puppet. Heard Radio.
Friday, April 6, 1945.
Went shopping with Myrna. Bought & made a solid model plane.
Played with my cardboard army. Heard Radio.
Saturday, April 7, 1945.
Went shopping (3rd time in a row). Played inside. Saw "National
Barn Dance." Played out. Heard Radio.
Sunday, April 8, 1945.
Went to S.S. Worked on puppet. Almost finished "White Fang."
Reggy left. Heard Radio.
Monday, April 9, 1945.
Went back to S. & H.S. Finished "White Fang."
Did Homework.
Tuesday, April 10, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Worked on Puppet. Had a
Wednesday, April 11, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Nathan has Scarlet Fever. Finished Puppet.
Did Homework.
Thursday, April 12, 1945.
Went to S. Went to the dentist. President Roosevelt died. Truman
is now president. Did homework.
Friday, April 13, 1945.
Went to School. Everybody is Mourning Pres. Roosevelt. Read
Library book. Went shopping. Got a turtle.
Saturday, April 14, 1945.
I have a cold. Today is set as the National Mourning day for
the President. Played with Speedy, my turtle. Played out. Wrote
letter to England.
Sunday, April 15, 1945.
Went to S.S. Went Down Town with Myrna & saw "It's In
The Bag." Read comics.
Monday, April 16, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework & stayed up late to do
it. Got a goldfish. Heard Radio.
Tuesday, April 17, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework for S. & H.S. Got a set
of Jack Armstrong model planes.
Wednesday, April 18, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did S. & H.S. Homework. Got another
goldfish. One is Silver the other is Goldy. Took paint off Speedy.
[Small turtles sold as novelties often came with painted shells.]
Reene & Brother visited us. Heard Radio.
Thursday, April 19, 1945.
Went to S. Went to Dentist. Heard Radio. Did homework. Got
& made [assembled] Piper Cub [air training] set [which I had
sent away for.]
Friday, April 20, 1945.
Went to S. Went shopping. Had haircut. Got another turtle &
named him Walky. Heard Radio. Played with turtles.
Saturday, April 21, 1945.
Went to Shul. Saw "The Great Mike" & "Her
Lucky Night." Heard Radio. Played with Turtles.
Sunday, April 22, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played with turtles. Saw "Mr. Emmanuel"
with Family. Heard Radio.
Monday, April 23, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. The Russians are in Berlin.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, April 24, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Heard Radio. It rained
today. Aunty Eva & Uncle Al Ein [friends from Montreal] are
coming tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 25, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. Today it rained. Got Paul Pry [the school
magazine of Paul Junior High School.] Aunt Eva & Uncle Al
Ein came up. Myrna & I gave a show for them.
Thursday, April 26, 1945.
Went to S. Today is the 2nd day of the United Nations Security
Conference at San Francisco. Went to Dentist & had my teeth
put in but they came out. Did Homework.
Friday, April 27, 1945.
Went to S. Got excused early & went to Dentist & had
my teeth cemented in. Eva & Al Ein came up. Heard Radio.
Saturday, April 28, 1945.
I have a cold. I missed shul. Played Inside. Played with turtles.
There is a rumor that Germany surrendered. It's not true.
Sunday, April 29, 1945.
Went to S.S. Saw "Sudan" with Myrna. Did Homework.
Heard Radio.
Monday, April 30, 1945
Went to S. & H.S. Stayed up late to do homework. Mussolini
is dead.
Tuesday, May 1 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. Hitler is reported to be dead. Did Homework.
Wednesday, May 2, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did S. & H.S. Homework. Got 92 in
Print Shop test.
Thursday, May 3, 1945.
Went to S. Went to Dentist for a check-up. Did Homework. Read
library book.
Friday, May 4, 1945.
Went to S. I will get C in Math. Made a Jack Armstrong model
plane. Heard Radio.
Saturday, May 5, 1945.
Went to shul. I was going to go with Nathan to movies, but he
was bad [so I went alone.] I saw "Bowery Champs" &
"Unwritten Code." Heard Radio.
Sunday, May 6, 1945.
Went to S.S. Went with Nathan to see "God Is My Copilot."
Heard Radio.
Monday, May 7, 1945.
Germany has surrendered unconditionally. I wrote a poem about
it & read it in class. I sent it to the Junior Star [children's
section of the Sunday Star newspaper.] Did homework.
Tuesday, May 8, 1945.
Today is VE day [Victory in Europe.] Went to S. & H.S. Went
Down Town with family & Ate Out. Went to Trans Lux [a movie
theater specializing in newsreels and shorts] & saw Nazi Atrocity
Wednesday, May 9, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Report card-1 A 5 B 2 C. Did Homework.
Got Mother's day presents for Mummy.
Thursday, May 10, 1945.
Went to S. Made Model Airplane. Did homework. Went shopping
Heard Radio.
Friday, May 11, 1945.
Went to S. Made Model plane. Made contraption on porch. I have
a cold. Heard Radio.
Saturday, May 12, 1945.
Missed shul because of my cold. Got postcard from The Star saying
that my VE Day poem would be given consideration. Played out.
Heard Radio. I was bad & Daddy said I wouldn't listen to
the radio any more. WE SHALL SEE!
Sunday, May 13, 1945.
Went to S.S. My poem did't get in the paper. Uncle Al was supposed
to come, but he didn't. Had Dinner out. Did Homework.
Monday, May 14, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Played baseball after H.S. Went to library
to get information on History of Mathematics for School.
Tuesday, May 15, 1945.
Went to S. Went to H.S. Played out. Played inside. It is very
hot today.
Wednesday, May 16, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Played baseball before H.S.
Played inside. Read part of a book.
Thursday, May 17, 1945.
Went to S. It rained today. Had a haircut. Played inside.
Had a bath for an hour. Got a comic book.
Friday, May 18, 1945.
Missed S. because today is 1st day of Shavuos [Jewish holiday].
Went to Shul. Played out. Read comics. Heard radio. My eyes
have been hurting me.
Saturday, May 19, 1945.
Missed Shul. Went to WMAL [radio station] & saw "Children's
Frolic" on the Air. Went to Trans-Lux. Had a treat out.
Played with turtles. Heard Radio.
Sunday, May 20, 1945.
Went on S.S. Picnic [in Rock Creek Park.] Climed up rocks &
hills. Caught a guppy. Went exploring. Played with turtles.
Did homework.
Monday, May 21, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did S. & H.S. homework. Stayed up
late to do it. Had a bath.
Tuesday, May 22, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Read comics. Stayed up
Wednesday, May 23, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Played out. I am on Project
No. 9 in Print Shop. I think Speedy [the turtle] is dead.
Thursday, May 24, 1945.
Went to S. Went shopping. Buried Speedy & got another turtle.
Took the paint off of his back. Heard Radio. Did homework.
Friday, May 25, 1945.
Went to S. Played out. Went shopping with Menshes in [their]
car. Mr. Mensh [while in the driver's seat, reached across me
to] hit Nathan & accidentally hit my mouth. Later half of
the porcelain on one tooth came off.
Saturday, May 26, 1945.
Missed shul. Went to dentist but he didn't fix my teeth. The
other half [of the porcelain] came out. Saw "Tomorrow The
World." Heard Radio.
Sunday, May 27, 1945.
Went to S.S. Didn't do much all day. Played inside. Cried a
lot. Heard Radio.
Monday, May 28, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Bruce Ashton tried to beat me up. Went
to Dentist but he didn't put my teeth in. Did homework.
Tuesday, May 29, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Went to dentist & he put a new tooth
in. I will be in the choir at graduation service at H.S. Rode
bike around neiborhood.
Wednesday, May 30, 1945.
Missed S. & H.S. because today is memorial day. Went to Glen
Echo [amusement park] with Mummy & Myrna & had a lot of
fun. Played out.
Thursday, May 31, 1945.
Went to S. Practiced for graduation at H.S. I am head of the
entertainment committee for a party at S. Wrote my own act &
Friday, June 1, 1945
Went to S. Went shopping for birthday gifts for Daddy. I got
him a stropper [for sharpening razor blades] -- $1.87. Got a
comic book. Heard Radio.
Saturday, June 2, 1945.
Went to Shul. Got Daddy a globe $1.98. Went down town with
Mummy for my summer outfit. Heard radio.
Sunday, June 3, 1945.
Was in the choir at commencement at S.S. Went downtown with Renee
& Myrna. Saw "Having Wonderful Crime." Mummy &
Daddy went to Baltimore.
Monday, June 4, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Gave Daddy the presents [for his birthday.]
Got a dartboard from Aunty Helen in Baltimore. Stayed up very
late to do Homework.
Tuesday, June 5, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got 98% on my printshop notebook. Stayed
up very late to do my homework.
Wednesday, June 6, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got a chameleon. Did Homework. Mummy
won't let me play darts inside.
Thursday, June 7, 1945.
Went to School. Did Homework. Played with chameleon. Heard
Radio. Got some food for Chameleon & Named it Lizzy.
Friday, June 8, 1945.
Went to S. only in the morning. Went to optometrist in the afternoon.
I have to take eye drops. I can't find Lizzy. Made a Walkie
Talkie. Heard Radio.
Saturday, June 9, 1945.
Missed shul. I have to take eye drops twice a day. Saw "Escape
In The Desert." Found Lizzy. Heard Radio.
Sunday, June 10, 1945.
There is no more S.S. [this term.] The Goldsmiths came from Baltimore
with Uncle Al [Weinberg.] Had dinner at the "Chicken Hut."
Went to Rock Creek park.
Monday, June 11, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. I am head of the entertainment committee
for our class party. Prepared for "Truth or Consequences"
game. Did homework.
Tuesday, June 12, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Stayed up late to do homework. Got Paul
Pry [school magazine.] Played out. Heard Radio.
Wednesday, June 13, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Wrote a Radio commercial
called "Dr. Dinklebaum's Model Agency" for English.
It is funny.
Thursday, June 14, 1945.
Went to S. Played out. It is very hot. Stayed inside mostly.
Heard radio.
Friday, June 15, 1945.
Went to S. & had class party. The whole thing [i.e. the program
I was supposed to give] was a big failure. There wasn't enough
time & noone payed attention. [This fiasco for some reason
hurt me deeply, and I was still brooding over it years afterwards.]
It is hot. Played with pets. Heard radio.
Saturday, June 16, 1945.
It is very hot. Missed shul. Saw "Nothing But Trouble."
Went shopping. Had a shower. Heard Radio.
Sunday, June 17, 1945.
Played inside. Went swimming in the Takoma swimming Pool. Lost
my pants with a [bus] pass & some money. Heard Radio.
Monday, June 18, 1945.
General Eisenhower came to Washington so there is no school.
Went to H.S. Went swimming but didn't get my pants back. Applied
for a job in many places but I was too young. Played out.
Tuesday, June 19, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Gave rest of entertainment program. I
was M.C. We had a joke contest & I told the best jokes.
Played out.
Wednesday, June 20, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Today was the last day of S. Played out.
Got Walky [turtle] back. He was lost. Heard Radio. Report
card 3 A 4 B 1 C
Thursday, June 21, 1945.
Played inside. Read comics. Heard Radio. Played out.
Friday, June 22, 1945.
Went downtown & had lunch out. Saw "Son of Lassie."
It looks as if we're going to go to California. Went to a carnival
with the Menshes.
Saturday, June 23, 1945.
Went to Harvey Kaplan's Bar Mitzvah. Read comics all afternoon.
Heard radio.
Sunday, June 24, 1945.
Played in. Read comics. Went shopping. Played with turtles.
Went to Harvcy Kaplan's Bar Mitzvah reception & had fun &
Monday, June 25, 1945.
Went to H.S. Read comics. Played out. Went shopping. Caught
flies & fed them to my turtles.
Tuesday, June 26, 1945.
Went to H.S. Played with turtles. Went shopping downtown with
Mummy. Played out & caught fireflies.
Wednesday, June 27, 1945.
Went to H.S. This has been a bad day. Went to visit Irene &
Leslie Benenson. We aren't going to California. Daddy's cousin
Leo Levy died.
Thursday, June 28, 1945.
Played out. Went shopping with Mummy. Went swimming. Bought
& ate some ice cream.
Friday, June 29, 1945.
I felt sick this morning. Read comics all morning and afternoon.
Played out in the evening.
Saturday, June 30, 1945.
The temperature went up to 98° today. Went swimming. Mummy
says that I might get a bike. Went to a campfire program in Rock
Creek Park. Entered a contest to win a Collie dog. I had to
write a letter on why I would like a Collie. (I don't think I
will win.)
Sunday, July 1, 1945.
It is very hot. Went swimming. Played Monopoly with Nathan &
Daddy. Daddy beat me. Nathan didn't. Heard Radio.
Monday, July 2, 1945.
Went shopping. Played out. Played Monopoly with Nathan. I lost.
Played card games with the Menshes.
Tuesday, July 3, 1945.
Went for the last day [of term] to H.S. Played Monopoly &
played out. Got Woodburning pen with 4 tips & woodburned.
Won a prize at H.S. It was the story of Esther on a scroll.
Wednesday, July 4, 1945.
Did some woodburning. I think Myrna has the Mumps. Went downtown
& saw "Don Juan Quilligan." Played Monopoly with
Dad & won.
Thursday, July 5, 1945.
Went shopping. The basket's wheel broke & I had to steal
a nail from Sears to fix it. Got 3 darts with plastic fins [from
the Goldsmiths in Baltimore.] Myrna has mumps.
Friday, July 6, 1945.
Went shopping. Read comics. Played out. Heard Radio. Wrote
Plans for "Brilliant non-electric water cooler."
Saturday, July 7, 1945.
Went shopping. Read a book. Wrote plans for "Brilliant
Secret Compartment Pen Knife." Saw another campfire program.
Stayed up late.
Sunday, July 8, 1945.
Saw "National Velvet." Heard Radio. Played inside.
Reene came for supper.
Monday, July 9, 1945.
Saw a partial eclipse of the sun. Went shopping. Played with
Myrna. Played with my air force & Navy. Heard Radio.
Tuesday, July 10, 1945.
Played with Myrna with my army, navy & airforce. Had a bath.
Played darts with Nathan. Myrna is very cocky.
Wednesday, July 11, 1945.
Played darts with Nathan. Played inside. Sent away for Kix [breakfast
cereal] air-base. Heard Radio.
Thursday, July 12. 1945.
Went shopping. Saw "The Horn Blows at Midnight." Got
a terrible beating from Mummy & Daddy. [This may have been
the time when, in my anguish, I pointed to my heart and cried
"Hit me here!"] Everything is awful.
Friday, July 13, 1945.
Had very little breakfast because I wouldn't eat a sardine sandwich.
Read comics. Heard Radio. Ate sandwich at supper.
Saturday, July 14, 1945.
Stayed inside most of day. It is rainy. We are going to the
N.Y. mts. to visit Bobby & Eddy Weisbard [A wife & husband,
owners of a boarding house in the Catskills called Pan American
House] for our vacation.
Sunday, July 15, 1945.
It rained all day. Read book. Played inside. Went shopping.
Heard Radio.
Monday, July 16, 1945.
Went shopping. We are leaving tomorrow. There is no fishing
or swimming where we are going. Played out.
Tuesday, July 17, 1945.
Went from Wash. To N.Y. [by train, then by bus to Woodridge NY]
to "Pan American House." It is delapedated and dirty.
It is wild & wooley. P.S. IT STINKS [It was one of many
Jewish summer resort hotels & other facilities in the so-called
"Borscht Belt".]
Wednesday, July 18, 1945.
It is very rainy. There is nothing to do here. Went to Woodridge
but didn't do much. Went exploring & got wet.
Thursday, July 19, 1945.
It is rainy again. We may leave tomorrow. Visited a friend of
Mummy's. Swung on the swings.
Friday, July 20, 1945.
Left "Pan American House" for New York. We are staying
at the "Barbizon Plaza" [Hotel.] Walked along Broadway
with [my mother's cousin] Joe Bogat
Saturday, July 21, 1945.
Went from N.Y to [Belle Harbor, part of Rockaway, on] Long Island.
Visited the Sauls. Got a nice room. Saw Downtown at night.
Sunday, July 22, 1945.
Played on the beach. The Bogats came out from Brooklyn. Saw
"Song of Bernadette."
Monday, July 23, 1945.
Went to library & read all afternoon. Ate out. Assembled
fishing rod & equipment.
Tuesday, July 24, 1945.
Went fishing but caught nothing. Played on the beach. Went to
the amusement park with Marjory Saul.
Wednesday, July 25, 1945.
Went fishing & caught a fluke with Uncle [cousin] Archie [Bogat],
Mummy & Myrna. Spent most of afternoon fishing.
Thursday, July 26, 1945.
Churchill has been defeated [in the British elections.] Got a
joke book. Played on the beach. Saw "Sudan" again
and "That's the Spirit."
Friday, July 27, 1945.
Read joke book. Played in "Penny Arcade" with Myrna.
Went to the Library & got a book. Read part of it.
Saturday, July 28, 1945.
Daddy came today. Had dinner out. I am sleeping at Marjory Saul's.
Sunday, July 29, 1945.
A bomber crashed into the Empire State Building. It is rainy.
Read books & papers.
Monday, July 30, 1945.
Played on the beach. Went to Playland with the family. Went
on the Rocket. Was almost sick.
Tuesday, July 31, 1945.
Went to New York with the family. Saw a Trans Lux movie [show.]
Went into Macy's [department store.] Visited Joe & Cecile
Wednesday, August 1, 1945.
Went shopping. Played on the boardwalk with Daddy. Got a book
called "G.I. Jokes." Walked along the bay.
Thursday, August 2, 1945.
Played on beach & in water most of day. Had disagreements
& trouble with parents. Walked on boardwalk.
Friday, August 3, 1945.
My eyes are beginning to feel very droopy. Played on the beach
& in water. Started to color sea shells with Myrna so that
we could sell them.
Saturday, August 4, 1945.
Played on the beach. Made 20¢ on the sea shells. Mummy
& Daddy went to New York.
Sunday, August 5, 1945.
Played on beach. All our friends came out from N.Y. Ate at Marjory
Saul's. Sold seashells to them. Made 20¢. Got a magic
set from the Bogats but it is useless because there are no instructions
with it.
Monday, August 6, 1945.
It rained all day. Rotten weather. Stayed inside most of the
Tuesday, August 7, 1945.
Surprise! [Aunt & Uncle] Gert & Amy [Wexler] drove here
from Toronto. Sat on boardwalk. Saw "The Great Moment"
& "Practically Yours."
Wednesday, August 8, 1945.
Went for a ride with Amy. Played on beach. We are going with
the Wexlers to Canada. Ate supper at Marjory's.
Thursday, August 9, 1945.
Went to New York. Walked about 5 miles. Went to a party at the
Sauls'. Got a bad sore on my foot. Russia has declared war on
Friday, August 10, 1945.
Bandaged the sore on my foot. Went on the beach. Japan has made
an offer to surrender.
Saturday, August 11, 1945.
Played on beach. Daddy went to the races & lost $14. Bought
a comic book. Found a glider.
Sunday, August 12, 1945.
Daddy left for Washington. Played on beach. Found a card deck.
Saw a fire.
Monday, August 13, 1945.
Went to beach & played in water. We may leave Rockaway tomorrow.
Played out. Flew glider.
Tuesday, August 14, 1945.
THE WAR IS OVER! Left Rockaway for Canada. Stayed overnight
in New York. There are wild celebrations.
Wednesday, August 15, 1945.
Spent most of day driving in car. Ate out & stayed overnight
in Albany. TODAY IS VJ DAY!
Thursday, August 16, 1945.
Drove all day. [Albany to Toronto 288 miles.] Reached Toronto
about 12:00 o'clock. Slept at Aunty Billy's.
Friday, August 17, 1945.
Saw [cousins] Howard & Hughy [Adler.] Went to the dentist
but no work done. Had a haircut.
Saturday, August 18, 1945.
Saw Mac Toplin. [He had been in a German prison camp.] Saw "Counter
Attack." Ate supper with Gert & Amy. Saw Auntie Rosie
& Uncle Joe.
Sunday, August 19, 1945.
Went to Sunnyside [amusement park.] Stayed there all afternoon.
Was bad in evening. No bycycle.
Monday, August 20, 1945.
Went downtown shopping. Ate lunch out. Had supper at Gert's.
Visited Aunt Rosy & Uncle Joe. They gave me a stapler.
Tuesday, August 21, 1945.
Went downtown & saw "The Corn Is Green." Went to
a double header baseball game with Malcolm Kromby.
Wednesday, August 22, 1945.
Had tea downtown with the Krombys, Pifcos & Lipgots. Saw
"Mrs. Parkington." We will leave Toronto tomorrow.
Thursday, August 23, 1945.
Aunty Billy gave me a game called Rumble Tumble. Left Toronto.
Bought & read 2 comic books.
Friday, August 24, 1945.
Came into Washington [on the train] this morning. Played with
blocks. Went shopping. (of course) Trouble with Mummy &
Saturday, August 25, 1945.
Read comics. Cleaned my drawer. Heard Radio. I was a "Good
Boy" today.
Sunday, August 26, 1945.
Uncle Al came. Went for a ride [in his car] on skyline drive.
Had lunch out. Read comics. Heard Radio.
Monday, August 27, 1945.
Played with Myrna. We may go back to England soon. Traded &
read comics. Heard Radio.
Tuesday, August 28, 1945.
Went back to H.S. Made soldiers. The Jack Woolfsons came &
we will see them again tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 29, 1945.
Went to H.S. & Shopping. Played with Harvey Woolfson. He
is very hard to please. Got in trouble with him. Went to "Romanian
Inn" for Dinner.
Thursday, August 30, 1945.
The Woolfsons came again. Read comics. Played with clay. Went
for a ride. Aunty Eva gave me $2.50. Heard Radio.
Friday, August 31, 1945.
It is very hot. Layed on bed & heard radio. Read comics.
Had a shower. Played with Myrna.
Saturday, September 1, 1945.
Missed shul. Played inside. Saw "Brewster's Millions."
Heard formal signing of Japanese Surrender over radio.
Sunday, September 2, 1945.
Stayed inside. Read comics. Went for unsuccesful walk with daddy.
Heard radio.
Monday, September 3, 1945.
Missed H.S. Today is Labor Day. Nathan came home [probably from
Maine.] Played & won Monopoly with him. Heard Radio.
Tuesday, September 4, 1945.
Went to H.S. & downtown. Got a coat, shoes & tie. Got
a toy airplane. Played out.
Wednesday, September 5, 1945.
Went to H.S. Played out. Read comics. Traded comics. Heard
Thursday, September 6, 1945.
Went shopping. Got a $1.20 Note book. Played out. Heard radio.
Friday, September 7, 1945.
Today is Rosh Hashonah [Jewish New Year.] Helped Mummy make an
apple pie. Played out. Went to shul with Daddy.
Saturday, September 8, 1945.
It is still Rosh Hashonah. Traded & read comics. The Solomons
came for tea. Heard radio.
Sunday, September 9, 1945.
Played inside all day. The [rest of the] family went out. Heard
Monday, September 10, 1945.
Went to H.S. Bought a model plane. Read & traded comics.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, September 11, 1945.
Made model plane. It took all afternoon. Went to H.S. Heard
Wednesday, September 12, 1945.
Went to H.S. Went shopping. Painted my model plane. Traded
& read comics. (This is getting monotonous.)
Thursday, September 13, 1945.
Read comics all day. Stayed inside most of day. Hung up my model
Friday, September 14, 1945.
Read comics. Woodburned some pictures. had a bath. Went shopping.
Saturday, September 15, 1945.
Read comics. Stayed inside. Went for a walk with daddy. Reene
came up.
Sunday, September 16, 1945.
Went to shul. Played games with Nathan. Went skateing. [I fell,]
Cut my knee & tore my pants.
Monday, September 17, 1945.
It is very rainy. Read comics. Stayed inside all day. Tomorrow
is school. [It was Yom Kippur.] Fasted till 5: oclock.
Tuesday, September 18, 1945.
Went back to school. I am in 8A4. Broke my pen & got a new
one. Went to H.S. Did homework.
Wednesday, September 19, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. We have no Manual Arts now.
Heard Radio.
Thursday, September 20, 1945.
Went to S. Did Homework. Played out. Stayed up late.
Friday, September 21, 1945.
Undetermined. Went to S. [For this and the next 12 entries I
had apparently written in the wrong spaces, and, after discovering
my mistake, had to go back, stick paper over the erroneous days
and re-write their entries.]
Saturday, September 22, 1945.
Today is Sukkos. Went to shul & Had party. Went to Amy Sue's
(Myrna's Friend's) [sic] birthday party. Did homework. Got in
bad with M. & D.
Sunday, September 23, 1945.
Went to the Show with Myrna and Reene. Saw "Wonder Man."
Had Supper at Reene's. Heard Radio.
Monday, September 24, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Got a new book in H.S.
Heard radio.
Tuesday, September 25, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Stayed up late to do homework. Heard Radio.
Wednesday, September 26, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Heard Radio.
Thursday, September 27, 1945.
Went to S. Stayed up very late to do homework. Went to library.
Friday, September 28, 1945.
Went to S. Got my Honour roll certificate [in a school assembly.]
Did homework. Heard radio.
Saturday, September 29, 1945.
Saw "Murder He Says." Went to Shul for Simchas Torah
party. I was the Chason [cantor.] Heard Radio.
Sunday, September 30, 1945.
Went to Corcoran Art Gallery. Did Homework. Heard Radio.
Monday, October 1, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. I was bad & crying.
Mummy called Nathan over. Mummy & Daddy know that the worst
thing they can do is show me up in front of friends, yet they
do it anyway.
Tuesday, October 2, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Went to library. Myrna doesn't feel well.
Heard radio. Read books.
Wednesday, October 3, 1945.
Myrna is very sick. Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Heard
Thursday, October 4, 1945.
Went to S. Went to Library. Heard radio.
Friday, October 5, 1945.
Got out of school at 11:00 because of Nimitz. [Admiral Chester
Nimitz, a hero of the Pacific War, was being honored in a formal
visit to Washington.] Played out. Heard Radio.
Saturday, October 6, 1945.
Went to Shul. Saw "The Call of the Wild." Heard Radio.
Sunday, October 7, 1945.
Was elected president of Agudas Achim junior congregation mainly
because of my speech. Uncle Leonard [my father's younger brother,
in England] is married today. Saw "Her Highness and the
Bellboy." Had lunch out. Did homework. Got two large toy
parachutes. I was in the streetcar and a boy gave them to me
for no reason at all. I like them a lot.
Monday, October 8, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Played with parachutes.
Tuesday, October 9, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Stayed up late. Heard Radio.
Wednesday, October 10, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. (Homework takes up so much
of my time.) It is dark when I get out of H.S.
Thursday, October 11, 1945.
Went to S. Did homework till very late. Read books.
Friday, October 12, 1945.
Went to school. Saw a magic show. Was bad. (Sept. & Oct.
seem to be my bad months.) Heard Radio.
Saturday, October 13, 1945.
Went to shul. Saw "Back to Bataan" although Mummy said
I couldn't. Because Daddy let me. Heard Radio.
Sunday, October 14, 1945.
Went to S.S. Saw "Junior Miss" with the Menshes. Did
homework. Heard Radio.
Monday, October 15, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Heard radio. I am in a
boys choir at S.
Tuesday, October 16, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework.
Wednesday, October 17, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Daddy gave me some green
ink. Got a toy that whistles and spins.
Thursday, October 18, 1945.
Went to S. Did homework. Daddy is trying to teach me French
[which I wasn't getting at school. This was to prepare me for
school in England. These lessons went on, although my father was
not a very good teacher, and I was an unwilling pupil.]]
Friday, October 19, 1945.
Went to S. Played out. Heard Radio. Traded & read comics.
Saturday, October 20, 1945.
Went to shul and saw a Bar Mitzvah. Read comics. Saw "Gentle
Anny." Heard Radio.
Sunday, October 21, 1945.
Went to S.S. There was an installation of officers. Gave a short
speech. Played inside with Nathan. Played out. Read comics.
Heard radio.
Monday, October 22, 1945
Went to S. Went to H.S. Did homework. I am making a scrapbook
on California for S. [I was interested in California, since I
had an Uncle there.]
Tuesday, October 23, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. Daddy filled out a form saying he didn't
want to go back to England. [With the war now over, our family's
status was somewhat uncertain. My father explored at least one
U.S. job possibility, as some kind of radio announcer, but nothing
came of it.] Had my second French Lesson.
Wednesday, October 24, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Almost finished my California
Thursday, October 25, 1945.
Went to S. Did homework. Finished California scrapbook. Started
3 dimensional map [of California.] Things look good for going
back to England. [I was eager to go, and had no idea how much
harder life would be there.] Bought a pack of cards for a game
at an auction at school for 30¢.
Friday, October 26, 1945.
Went to school. Had no homework. Heard radio.
Saturday, October 27, 1945.
Missed shul. Saw "Out Of This World." Nathan and Marsha
[his sister] came for supper. Played games with Nathan. Heard
Sunday, October 28, 1945.
Went to S.S. Finished 3 dimensional map. Played out. Heard
Monday, October 29, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Bought a pumpkin & made
a jack-o-lantern. Heard radio.
Tuesday, October 30, 1945.
Went to H.S. & S. Had no homework because tonight is Beggars
night. But Oh No! Myrna and I couldn't go out. Played out.
Wednesday October 31, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. because I didn't want to be late for Halloween
party at Coolidge High which the family went to. Saw "Get
That Ghost." played out. Got report card at S. 2 -A 2
-B 1 -C
Thursday, November 1, 1945.
Went to S. Played out. Did homework. Traded and read comics.
Friday, November 2, 1945.
Went to S. Went shopping. Had a haircut. Had beef-steak pie.
Heard Radio.
Saturday, November 3, 1945.
Went to Shul. Got my "Wonders of Science Simplified"
[a book I had sent away for.] It is better than I expected.
Sent away for Lone Ranger ring and an order of spot remover to
sell for a prize. Saw "Captain Eddy." Heard Radio.
Went Shopping.
Sunday, November 4, 1945.
Went to S.S. Went shopping. Read my book. Played out a little
bit. Heard Radio.
Monday, November 5, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. Started making up funny book
titles and authors. We may go back to England any Week.
Tuesday, November 6, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Played football out. Did Homework. Read
Wednesday, November 7, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. I was supposed to stay after at H.S. but
I ran out. Played out. Heard Radio. Wrote funny radio program
which may be used in school.
Thursday, November 8, 1945.
Went to S. It was voted that my radio program be used to get
money for red cross. Played out. Worked on program. I hope
It'll be a success.
Friday, November 9, 1945.
Went to S. Got the "telescope kit" which was supposed
to come free with my ["Wonders of Science"] book. It
is rotten. 2 pieces of glass and [one piece of] cardboard. Rehearsed
the program. Heard Radio.
Saturday, November 10, 1945.
Went to shul for Alpher's (HA HA) Bar Mitzvah. [sic] Saw "Rootin'
Tootin' Rhythm" and "Fit for a King." Heard Radio.
Sunday, November 11, 1945.
Went to S.S. Had "Talk" with Rabbi about my running
out when I should have stayed in. He said I'll have to stay after
[on] Tuesday & Wednesday. Played Monopoly with Nathan but
lost. I am in a play at S.S. to be given in Stansbury Hall.
Heard Radio.
Monday, November 12, 1945.
Today is Armistace Day Celebration so got off from school.
Tuesday, November 13, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Only stayed after a little while at H.S.
Rehearsed (HA HA) Program [at school.] I trust people! Did
Homework. Heard radio.
Wednesday, November 14, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Today was open house at school. Mummy
came in the afternoon. Sang in the Boy's choir in Assembly. Heard
Thursday, November 15, 1945.
Went to S. Didn't give radio program because the announcer was
absent. Did homework.
Friday, November 16, 1945.
Went to S. announcer was absent again. Went shopping. Bought
a compass. (59¢)
Saturday, November 17, 1945.
Missed shul. Went down-town. Got lots of clothes. Was going
to but didn't go to movies. Heard radio.
Sunday, November 18, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played out. Saw "Northwest Mounted Police."
Heard radio. Had lots of guests tonight.
Monday, November 19, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Found out that announcer has fever. Introduced
Idea of mail service to get money for red cross in S. Did Homework.
Tuesday, November 20, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got order of spot remover for which I sent
away on Nov. 4 [actually Nov. 3] Sold 12 boxes in a few hours.
I want a camera. Did Homework. Had French Lesson
Wednesday, November 21, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Sang in Boy's Choir thanksgiving Assembly.
Played out. Sent money for gift of camera for yesterday's sales.
Heard Radio.
Thursday, November 22, 1945.
Missed S. because today is Thanksgiving. I get out tomorrow also.
Played out. Had Leon & Renee for dinner (a twelve lb.Turkey)
Heard Radio.
Friday, November 23, 1945.
Played inside. Played out. It snowed a little. Heard Radio.
Saturday, November 24, 1945.
Went Downtown. Saw "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes."
Heard Radio.
Sunday, November 25, 1945.
Went to S.S. Played out with Nathan. Heard Radio. Got a tin
Chanuka menorah [candle holder] at S.S.
Monday, November 26, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Started mail service in S. & made a
lot of money. Got Chanuka candels at H.S. Stayed up late doing
homework. The announcer came back but didn't bring script.
Tuesday, November 27, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. The Woolfsons were supposed
to come but they didn't. Saw a boy who had been hurt by hitting
the curb, jumping from a bus.
Wednesday, November 28, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did Homework. We are to give the radio
program tomorrow.
Thursday, November 29, 1945.
Went to S. & gave radio program. It went over quite well.
Did Homework. It snowed today.
Friday, November 30, 1945.
Went to S. Went Shopping. Got funny noisemaker & comic book.
Heard Radio.
Saturday, December 1, 1945.
Missed Shul. Saw "Fighting Guardsman." Heard Radio.
Did part of homework.
Sunday, December 2, 1945.
Went to S.S. Was in play at Stansbury hall. [It was supposed
to be a trial of parents who don't send their children to Hebrew
School. I was the prosecuting attorney.] The acting and the
play were stinky. Did Homework. Heard Radio.
Monday, December 3, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Did homework. Finished a notebook on banking
and money. Stayed up late. (Am very sleepy)
Tuesday, December 4, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Got my Lone Ranger Ring. Its sure worth
a dime. Did Homework.
Wednesday, December 5, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. because of cold and icy weather. Did
homework Had french lesson. Heard radio.
Thursday, December 6, 1945.
Went to S. Had no homework. Didn't get along so well with M.
& D.
Friday, December 7, 1945.
Went to S. Saw "China's little Devils." Had bath.
Heard radio.
Saturday, December 8, 1945.
Went to Shul. Played & won a Monopoly game with Nathan.
Went [roller] skating and played darts with Nathan. Heard Radio.
Sunday, December 9, 1945. [My birthday]
Birthday gifts (Important) Wonderful flashlight (boy scout) Fine
Jacknife [both from my parents] Pocket game of Magic Numbers
[from Myrna]. Scarf from Leon. Went to S.S. Went roller skating.
Heard radio. The Menshes didn't give me anything. Got $3.12
back taken from me by M. & D.
Monday, December 10, 1945.
Went to S. Missed H.S. Had a good snowfall. Got 3 birthday
cards. Did homework. I don't feel so good.
Tuesday, December 11, 1945.
Missed S. & H.S. I was fairly well but Mummy wouldn't let
me go. Stayed inside all day. I was pretty miserable. Had French
Wednesday, December 12, 1945.
Missed S. & H.S. again. This time I really have a bad cold.
Stayed in bed all day. Read comics. Heard radio.
Thursday, December 13, 1945.
Missed S. Stayed in all day again. I'm not so sick today. Premium
of Billfold came for selling 12 box spot remover. Not so good.
I asked for a camera or a telescope. Mummy & Daddy say (quote)
"I warned you!" [They had said I should take cash instead
of a premium.] Had French lesson.
Friday, December 14, 1945.
Missed S. Stayed in all day again. Read comics. I'm well now
but can't go out. Played with chemistry set. Heard radio.
Saturday, December 15, 1945.
Missed Shul, but went out walking. Went to the library. Heard
Sunday, December 16, 1945.
Went to S.S. Certain people (including Nathan) wanted me out
of office [of President of the Junior Congregation] but they didn't
succeed. Saw "Johnny Angel." Wrote an article for
shul newspaper. Heard Radio.
Monday, December 17, 1945.
Went back to S. & H.S. Got report card at S. It was the
best I ever got. 5-As 2-Bs 1-C (P.T.) Did homework.
Tuesday, December 18, 1945.
Went to S. & H.S. Had haircut. Was in Christmas program
at S. for parents at 8:00 [P.M.] in boys' choir. Had close call
in Harvey Kaplan's [parents'] car. It skidded on the ice. It
Wednesday, December 19, 1945.
The snow is so deep that school is closed. Shoveled snow [going
door to door] and made $3.15. Had lot of fun. Heard Radio.
Myrna is sick.
Thursday, December 20, 1945.
Went back to school. Went Christmas shopping & got toaster
for Mummy & a heating pad. Got a spinning toy for Myrna.
Heard Radio.
Friday, December 21, 1945.
Went to S. & had Xmas party. Got book "Wings Over England."
Got comic. Went with boys choir to salvation army Xmas party
downtown. The S. A. does a wonderful job. Bought tool chest
($3.49) for Daddy. Heard Radio.
Saturday, December 22, 1945.
Missed shul. Saw "Land of the Outlaws" and "The
Way Ahead." Heard radio
Sunday, December 23, 1945.
Went to S.S. Took some magazines from Menshs' trash & read
them. Heard radio. Myrna is still "sick"
Monday, December 24, 1945.
There is no school till Jan. 2nd (christmas holiday) went to
H.S. at 10: o'clock. Went shopping twice (Morning & Afternoon).
Got a boy scout handbook [for myself] & Can opener for M.
Tuesday, December 25, 1945.
Today is Christmas. Got Senior "Tinkertoy" from M.
& D. Got book name plates from Marsh. Gave all presents
I had bought. Played with tinkertoy. Heard radio. Went to H.S.
Wednesday, December 26, 1945.
Went to H.S. Went shopping. Got a telescope. Played with my
Tinkertoy. Heard radio.
Thursday, December 27, 1945.
Did lots of work in house. Mummy has made me do all the work
all week. Played with tinkertoy.
Friday, December 28, 1945.
Went shopping. Played with Tinkertoy. Played with Nathan. Heard
Saturday, December 29, 1945.
Missed Shul. Played with my tinkertoy. Went to the library.
Heard radio.
Sunday, December 30, 1945.
Went to S.S. I can now keep our text-book "How the Jewish
People Lives Today." Nathan and I found a dog & we
started to make a home for him but complications arose and Nathan
turned him out. I wanted to keep him, but you know, my "Understanding"
parents. They turned him out too. Heard radio.
Monday, December 31, 1945.
Got a diary from Marsh. [It was another "5 year" Diary,
but fortunately I used it for just one year, thus having for the
first time a whole page for each day.] Played Inside. Went out
for a walk. Heard Radio.
[Undated, at end of Diary:]
I play dumb at school.
Teachers [at Paul Junior High School]
[Home Room] Miss Middlemas
Math Briedenbach
English Diggins
Geography Wilde
Science Morgan (my favorite)
Music Kronish & Vanderlip
M.A. [Manual Arts] Mr. Combs
Gym Mr. Langmack
[Home Room] Mrs. Ard
Math Diggins
English Ludewig
History Fletcher & Landon
Science Sussholz
Music White
M.A. [Printshop] Mr. Magee
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